Charles Bentley & Son AA Series User Manual

C-charger, Aa series, Auto equalize battery chargers

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Electrically, the C-Charger is a
paragon of efficiency and simplicity.
It uses a ferroresonant transformer
with integral self-regulation. It has
been intelligently designed to be
completely devoid of any complicated
switching circuits that could possibly
burn out. There are no tubes nor
delicate electronics to fail or to cause
radio frequency interference (RFI).

Voltage output to the batteries remains
at a safe and constant DC level from
full load to no load, even if AC power
runs as high as 132 VAC or as low as
108 VAC. This automatic voltage
regulation relieves strain on internal
electrical components and lengthens
the lifespan of the unit. All components
are designed to operate safely and
continuously in an ambient
temperature as high as 122º F.

The Auto Equalizer Battery Charger is
the first C-Charger to offer fully
automatic equalizing. The advantages
of automatic equalizing are clear:

no manual switching or
settings, no waiting for power
failure, no 9 to 24 hour
overcharges, and no failure to
return to float due to high load
currents. The addition of an
Auto Equalizer Charger
expands the equalizing
options of the C-Charger line,
which also includes Float/
Equalize Switch, 0-24 Hour
Timer, and 0-24 Hour
Automatic Equalizer Timer.

If battery voltage drops below
a set value (i.e. 25.5 VDC),
the charger switches to the
equalize mode and the yellow
equalize indicator illuminates.
The charger remains in equalize
mode until the battery voltage
reaches another set value (i.e. 28
VDC). This ensures that the battery
is completely recharged and not
cycled. At this voltage the charger is
switched to the float mode and the
yellow equalize indicator turns off.

If battery voltage remains low, a red
low voltage alarm indicator illuminates.
If battery voltage remains high,
a red high voltage alarm indicator
illuminates. An optional summary
alarm relay is available for remote
locations. Adjustable low and high
voltages permit users to tailor the
charging system to specific batteries.
Precise setting of these voltages is
provided by fifteen turn potentiometers.


UL Listed

• Fully automatic equalizing
• Constant


output/continuous duty

• Equalize indicator and test


• AC Power On indicator
• Low Voltage indicator

• High Voltage indicator
• DC ammeter and voltmeter
• AC circuit


• Terminal


• Vacuum


ferroresonant transformer for

• Stainless steel for corrosion


• Flush


• Isolated positive and negative:

can be used as a negative
voltage charger

• Two year limited warranty