Model avd-2007, How it works – United Security AVD-2007 User Manual

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Owner’s Manual and Operating Instructions

The Automatic Voice/Pager Dialer System

For The Next Millennium


Thank you for purchasing United Security Products, Inc.’s Model AVD-2007 - the “smartest”, most compre-
hensive automatic voice/pager security dialer available. Representing an exciting new level of achievement, the
AVD-2007 combines technologically advanced features, ease of programming and reliable operation in a com-
pact, unobtrusive dialer completely compatible with any security alarm system. Installation and hookup are
quick and easy, whether installed in conjunction with normally open, normally closed dry contact or voltage
activation sensors. The unit can also function as a stand-alone device, by simple connection to an ordinary tele-
phone jack. The keypad cover glides on and off for added attractiveness and security.

How It Works

The AVD-2007 features a “smart’ Temperature Monitoring
System (TMS) that constantly operates in the background
without interfering with any of the dialer functions under
normal power conditions. In the event that temperature
drops below 40F, exceeds 120F, or is back at normal ambi-
ent the TMS automatically dials out and notifies by means
of pre-recorded voice messages which of the three condi-
tions have been detected: “LOW TEMPERATURE






The AVD-2007 is extensively programmable, offering per-
sonalized customization to fulfill virtually any residential or
business requirement. Plain-English prompts walk the user
through the process in a timely manner.

Programming options abound, allowing the user to:

Store up to 8 telephone/pager numbers.

Choose 1- 9 calling efforts for the numbers dialed.

Select 1-3 message repeats.

Record a variable combination (maximum: 7) of in-
structional outgoing messages (total elapsed time: 60

Program up to 4 separate input channels with individually
enable/disable, entry/exit delay and activation options (Nor-
mally Open (N.O.), Normally Closed (N.C.)

(dry contact or voltage activation) including momentary and
continuous activation for each).

Further individualize each channel by selecting the delay
times, telephone/pager numbers to be dialed and the specific
outgoing messages to be played.

Please Familiarize Yourself With These Instructions Before
Installation/Operation. This guide describes how to program
and operate the dialer. We strongly recommend that you read
the entire manual before attempting to use the unit.

To enhance ease of programming and operation, this guide

A Programming Sample/Quick Setup review on page 13
with a corresponding Program Planner.

A Blank Program Planner on page 14. One copy of this
Planner should be kept in a safe place by the end user.

A separate copy should also be retained by the installer.

We are happy to provide a full measure of security reassur-
ance and peace of mind with the Model AVD-2007. For in-
formation about other innovative United Security Products
equipment, call (800) 227-1592.

M O D E L A D - 2 0 0 0

For Technical Service and Support: Call (858) 413-0149 * Fax (858) 413-0124

E-mail: [email protected]

Monday – Friday * 6:30 AM – 4:00 PM PST