Sage Smart Kettle BKE820UK User Manual
Page 15

PAge heAder.....
CarE & ClEanIng
CarE & ClEanIng
Always switch off at the power outlet and
unplug the appliance from the power outlet
before cleaning.
WaSHaBlE fIltEr
The Smart Kettle features a removable mesh
filter to remove scale deposits for cleaner
water. To clean the scale deposits from the
filter, remove the filter by opening the lid
and sliding the filter up and out of the kettle.
The filter can be cleaned by placing it
under running hot water and rubbing with a
cleaning cloth or brush. To replace the filter,
simply slide the filter down into the slot
behind the spout of the kettle and push back
in to position.
The filter could become damaged with
time, so please check regularly and
replace if found damaged.
It is essential that regular descaling takes
place. Frequency will depend on the usage
of the kettle and the hardness of the water
in your area. A build-up of scale may cause
the inside of the kettle to discolour and
ultimately may damage the element. This
will affect the efficiency of the appliance and
may invalidate the warranty agreement.
to dESCalE
Using vinegar
Fill the appliance
full using 1 part
vinegar to 2 parts water and boil.
Discard the liquid and boil again
with clean water.
Discard this water.
Using Citric acid Crystals
(available from most pharmacies)
Fill the appliance
full, boil
and unplug.
Gradually add 50gms of citric acid
crystals to the water.
As soon as the effervescence
subsides, empty the appliance and
rinse with cold water.
Fill the kettle with clean water
and boil.
Throw away this water.
to ClEan tHE ExtErIor
The outside of the kettle should be wiped
with a damp cloth and then polished with a
soft dry cloth.