Clarion Mind NR1UB User Manual
Upgrade, get software and more at “myclarion

ClarionMiND Catalog
2239 Winston Park Dr,
Oakville, Ontario,
L6H 5R1, Canada
Tel 905.829.4600
Fax 905.829.4608
6200 Gateway Drive,
Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.
Tel 310.327.9100
Fax 310.327.1999
Car Dock
With ClarionMiND docked into the NK1U,
you will receive traffic information via
RDS-TMC, hear voice guidance from
your car speakers and get automatic
day/night screen switching. A lifetime
subscription to RDS-TMC is included
so that you can enjoy this convenient
feature with no extra cost.
Cover Side
User Portal Site
• Specification and design are subject to change without notice.
• Photos are non-binding. The manufacturer and importer do not take responsibility
for any printing errors.
• Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Atom, and Intel Atom Inside are trademarks of Intel Corpo-
ration in the U.S. and other countries.
• Google and YouTube are the trademarks of Google, Inc.
• MySpace is the registered trademark of MySpace, Inc.
• TWC, The Weather Channel, and, and each of their logos are trade-
marks of The Weather Channel, Inc.
• RealPlayer is the registered trademark of RealNetworks, Inc.
One of the best features of ClarionMiND is that you can continually upgrade and extend its capabili-
ties. Just use the Internet connection to go to the Clarion portal site, “MyClarion.” This information hub
is packed full of great contents like software updates, music downloads, partner site links and more!
Upgrade, get software and more at “MyClarion”
Large Battery
The Large Battery extends operating
time to as much as 4.5 hours.
• The trademark and the Bluetooth® logo are owned by the Bluetooth® SIG, Inc. and
any utilization of these trademarks by Clarion is carried out under license. The other
trademarks and commercial names are the property of their respective owners.
• All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
• All units in this catalog are primarily intended for installation in passenger cars. Use in
trucks, tractors, off-road vehicles, construction machinery, boats (except for Marine
models), and other special-purpose vehicles or on motorcycles is not recommended.
• Clarion Corporation of America is a member of the Consumer Electronics Associa-
tion, Mobile Enhancement Retailers Association and the Consumer Electronics
Manufacturers Association.
WARNING: Driver is prohibited by law from viewing a video signal on any in-dash monitor while the vehicle is in motion.
Printed in U.S.A. 2008MINDCATL