Check list – Modern AG Industrial Box Scraper User Manual
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2 - Industrial Box Scrapperrr
Pre-Delivery CheCklist
Inspect the blade thoroughly after assembly to be
certain it is set up properly before delivering it to
the customer. the following checklist is a reminder
of points to inspect. Check off each item as it is
found satisfactory or after proper adjustment is
Delivery CheCklist
___ Remove and reposition center scarifier shank
that is bolted in an upside down shipping posi-
___Show customer how to make adjustments.
___Point out safety features.
___ Give Operator’s manual to the customer and ask
him to familiarize himself with all sections of it.
Daily CheCklist
___ Check that unit is properly and securely at-
tached to tractor.
___ During inspection, check that all hardware is se-
cure and cotter pins are in place.
___ Check that cutting edge of blade is in good
I have thoroughly instructed the buyer on the above described equipment, the review included the
Operator’s manual content, equipment care, adjustments and safety information.
Dealer’s Rep Signature
the above equipment and Operator’s manual have been received by me and I have been thoroughly
instructed as to care, adjustments and safe operations.
Owner’s Signature
CheCk list