Mercedes-Benz E-class 1999 Additions to Manual User Manual

Page 35

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Flexible Service System (FSS)

The FSS permits a flexible service

schedule that is directly related to the

operating conditions of the vehicle.

The symbol

appears together with

a message in the multifunction indicator

prior to the next suggested service.

Depending on operating conditions

throughout the year, the next service is

calculated and displayed in days or

distance remaining.

The message is displayed for approx.

10 seconds when turning the electronic

key in steering lock to position 2, or it

can be canceled manually by pressing

button 0.

Once the suggested term has passed,

the symbol plus message

"EXCEEDED BY" appear, when turning

the electronic key to position 2.

The FSS display can also be called up

for approx.10 seconds with display

illuminated by pressing button 0 twice.

Following a completed service the

Mercedes-Benz dealer sets the counter

to 10 000 miles (Canada: 15 000 km)

and 365 days.

The counter can also be set by any

individual. To do so:


Turn electronic key in steering

lock to position 2.


Within 4 seconds press button 0



The present status for days or

distance is displayed. Within

10 seconds turn electronic key in

steering lock to position 0.


Press and hold button 0, while

turning electronic key in steering

lock to position 2 again. The pre

sent status for days or distance

is displayed once more. Continue

to hold button 0.

After approx. 10 seconds a signal

sounds, and the display shows

10 000 miles (Canada: 15 000 km).


Release button 0.

If the FSS counter was inadvertently

reset, have a Mercedes-Benz dealer

correct it.