Jeep 2006 Wrangler User Manual
Page 177

Outside air comes from the floor and defrost out-
lets. This mode works best in cold or snowy con-
ditions. It allows you to stay comfortable while
keeping the windshield clear.
Outside air comes from the windshield outlets
with a small amount being directed through the
floor outlets. Use this setting when necessary to defrost
your windshield.
For improved safety, the A/C compressor is
activated when “Mix” or “Defrost” modes are selected.
This is done to assist in drying the air and it will help in
keeping the windshield from fogging.
Operating Tips
Summer Operation
The engine cooling system in air conditioned vehicles
must be protected with a high-quality antifreeze coolant
to provide proper corrosion protection and to protect
against engine overheating. A 50% solution of ethylene
glycol antifreeze coolant in water is recommended.
Winter Operation
The air from the heater system will heat faster in cold
weather if you use lower blower speeds until the engine
warms up. When operating the system during the winter
months, make sure the air intake, located directly in front
of the windshield, is free of ice, slush, snow, or other