Tips & hints – Cuisinart WM-PZ2 User Manual

Page 4

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Note: This Pizzelle Press has been treated

with a special nonstick coating. Before
the first use, we suggest you season
the grids with cooking spray or oil. If
using oil, apply with a paper towel or
pastry brush. You may find it helpful to
repeat this process before each use of
the pizzelle press.


Always allow the Cuisinart

Pizzelle Press to

preheat completely before baking pizzelle.

Make certain that the green indicator light is lit
before baking subsequent batches of pizzelle.

Be certain that the Pizzelle Press is completely
clean before preheating. Crumbs and batter
baked onto the press will cause sticking.

Use a small amount of vegetable oil or melted
vegetable shortening applied with a heatproof
pastry brush to lightly condition the press. Butter
will burn or smoke when heated and many
cooking sprays contain lecithin, which can
become “gummy” and sticky when heated on
a nonstick cooking surface.

If you are rolling your pizzelle, roll them
immediately upon removing them from the press.
Remove one pizzelle at a time, allowing the
second to remain on the hot press (allow to
remain open) while rolling.

Hot pizzelle can be molded around the cylinder
provided or a small custard cup or ramekin to
create a cup. Shaped pizzelle should be filled
just before serving.

Lighter pizzelle are easier to roll/mold than darker

If pizzelle run over the edges of the mold, trim
while warm with a sharp knife or kitchen scissor.

Allow pizzelle to cool completely on a wire rack
before storing.

In a dry climate, store pizzelle in a shallow cookie
jar or container with loose fitting lid. Add a layer
of paper towel between each cookie to absorb

excess moisture. In a humid climate, store
pizzelle in a tightly covered container.

Pizzelle can be frozen. Stack in small bundles
with a sheet of paper towel between each cookie,
wrap in plastic wrap, then place in a re-sealable
food storage bag and squeeze out excess air.

If pizzelle become soft, arrange them in a single
layer on a cookie sheet place in a 300°F (150°C)
oven for 3 to 5 minutes.

Many pizzelle batters may be prepared ahead,
covered tightly and stored in the refrigerator for
up to 24 hours before baking pizzelle.

“Center” the batter just a little behind the direct
center of each patterned cookie grid so that
when the lid is closed it will push the batter
forward to the center making a more evenly
rounded pizzelle.

When finished baking pizzelle, unplug unit and
open to cool completely. Brush any residual
crumbs from the press, paying particular note to
the pattern indentations, with a soft brush such
as a new toothbrush, pastry brush (do not use a
brush with any metal wire such as a bottle
brush), or cotton swab. Then wipe the unit with a
dampened soft cloth such as a microfiber cloth
(available in most kitchenware/gourmet stores) to
remove all grease and crumbs. Allow unit to dry
completely before storing.

About the Recipes:

Many pizzelle recipes can be mixed ahead of
time, covered and refrigerated. Remove batter
from refrigerator about 30 minutes before baking.

It is important to measure flour and other dry
ingredients properly for best baking results. Use
nested measuring cups of graduated sizes – do
not use measuring cups meant for liquid mea-
surements. Stir flour before measuring, then
spoon or scoop into the measuring cup and level
with the straight edge of a spatula or table knife.

Nutritional information is based on number of
servings indicated. If a recipe produces a range
of servings, it is based on the highest serving
yield for that particular recipe. If a recipe has
a lower fat option, that is the one used for
nutritional information.

02CU13249 WM-PZ2 Pizzelle IBdd 9/18/02 11:52 AM Page 4