Eden WT800C Addendum User Manual
Wt800c operations manual addendum

WT800C Operations Manual Addendum
Congratulations on your purchase of our new WT800C integrated amplifier.
If you’re reading this, your unit is, in fact, a C version of our venerable
WT800. There are a few differences between your unit and the WT800B, as
Cosmetically, it’s easy to tell a WT800C from earlier models. The C units
feature our new back-lit logo. So, if the Eden logo lights up when you turn
on your unit, you have a WT800C. That’s easy, isn’t it?
Mute to Tune – Pull the Input Gain knob (gently!) to mute all outputs except
the Tuner Out. This allows silent tuning, a feature that guitarists and lead
vocalists love.
DI Pre-/Post-EQ Select – You can now choose to send a Pre-EQ or Post-EQ
signal through the DI output. The standard setting is Post-EQ. To send a Pre-
EQ signal, pull the Enhance knob.
Those are the features you can see. However, we’ve also incorporated some
cool safety features:
Mono Bridge Interlock Safety Circuit – When the amplifier is set to Bridge
Mode operation, this circuit disconnects the Left and Right Outputs. This
prevents accidental connection of the L/R outputs when in Bridge Mode.
Only the Bridge Mono Output will work in Bridge Mode.
Amplifier Output Fuses – We’ve added internal fusing to both amplifiers. In
the event of catastrophic failure, these fuses protect speaker cabinets from
damage. It’s not like this ever happened a lot, but on very rare occasions it
has, and we wanted to give your speakers more protection. You’re welcome.
Tuner Output – The output signal of the Tuner Out has been increased
slightly. This will be helpful for those using tuners that need a very high
output to operate properly.