Eden WP 100 Navigator (2006) User Manual
Page 9

Main D.I. Outputs – These fully balanced stereo XLR outputs provide
+16dBm maximum. They can be used to send a stereo signal to a mixing
board or recording console, or to connect to a power amplifier. Please note,
however, that the signal from these outputs is not as hot as that from the
Main Outputs.
Recording Out (D.I.) – This fully balanced XLR output allows you to send
a signal to a recording or sound reinforcement mixing console. We use Pin 2
hot configuration. Adjusting the Master Volume control will not affect this
send. This output is designed to use with phantom powered systems.
However, it never hurts to turn off the phantom power at the board, if
This output can be set to send a signal from three points in the signal chain:
• Pre-compressor and pre-EQ
• Post-compressor and pre-EQ
• Post compressor and post EQ
To set the point at which the D.I. is taken, use the switches on the front
Side Chain Effects Loop – This mono effects loop operates a bit differently
than the other two loops. The other two send the entire signal to an outboard
device and accept the return. This loop, however, splits the signal. The
unaffected part of the signal goes through the EQ section while the other part
goes to your outboard gear before the EQ section and returns to the chain
after the EQ. Then, using the blend knob on the front panel, the user can
blend the two signals together.
Footswitch Jack – Connect the Footswitch here. Even with the footswitch
connected, the Front Panel Controls take precedence.
Mono Pre-EQ Effects Send/Return – These standard 1/4-inch jacks allow
you to send and receive your signal to and from external devices. This
effects loop is positioned post (behind) the compressor and before the
Enhance control and the tone section. This loop is at line level; do not use
instrument level effects in this loop as they tend to be overloaded by the
higher signal level which can cause distortion.