Eden DC112XLT User Manual
Page 13

Setting the Midrange – Adjusting the Midrange control will bring you
either more up-front in the mix or more in the background. As mentioned
earlier, you can choose between center frequencies for the Midrange control
– either 550Hz or 2.2KHz. The low position (550Hz) is good for general
playing and recording. It’s also good for dialing in a good Fretless Bass tone.
The high position (2.2KHz) is good for getting a more aggressive Rock tone.
We suggest you start in the low position. While playing, boost and cut the
Midrange so you can hear how it affects your tone.
Remember to play in all ranges, not just on the first few frets. Once you have
an idea of the tonal possibilities, switch to the High position and do the same
thing. This will give you a better idea of what this control can do for your
sound and you can then dial in what you want more effectively.
NOTE: Don’t forget that you can disengage the entire tone control system
by pushing the EQ Bypass switch. This is Really Neat Thing that many
users like to use when recording.
ANOTHER NOTE: If you plan on using the Warmth circuit to get some
extra grit in your sound, you may want to wait a minute before adjusting the
Midrange. So let’s talk about the Warm Switch now.
Warm Switch – This works with the Golden Ear Chip we told you about
earlier. If you want to introduce some extra tube-style warmth (and just a
touch of grit) into your sound, this is button to push. Once this button is
engaged, your Input Gain determines how much warmth is dialed in. Keep
in mind that increasing the gain level will affect how the compressor
operates. That’s where the Warm Trim Pot comes in.
Warm Trim Pot – Look closely at the front of your amplifier. See that tiny
little hole below and to the left of the Input Gain? Inside that hole is a small
set screw that allows you to adjust the amount of warmth added to your
sound. Turn it to the left and you decrease the warmth level. Turn it to the
right and you increase it.
Some people want lots of grit; other people want just a touch of extra tube
warmth. By adjusting the Input Gain and this set screw, you can get the right
amount of both distortion and compression for your sound. It might take a
minute or two the first time, but it’s well worth the effort.