Cuddeback NOFLASH User Manual
Page 25

Using Cuddeback without a Compact Flash card
When Cuddeback is used without a Compact Flash card, images are stored in
Cuddeback's internal image memory. Approximately 20 images can be saved. Image
resolution is reduced when Cuddeback is operated without a Compact Flash card.
Images can be transferred from internal memory to a Compact Flash card. Set the slide
switch to OFF. Insert a CF card, slide the switch to ON. Wait until the date & time are
displayed. The internal images have now been copied to the CF card.
File System - FAT (FAT16) and FAT32
Personal Computers (PCs) and digital cameras will either use a FAT (also referred to as
FAT16) or a FAT32 file system on the Compact Flash card. Cuddeback is compatible
with both file systems.
1) You should not have to worry about the file system unless you have problems
with a digital camera reading the card. If this happens, format your Compact
Flash card in the digital camera first and then install the card into your
2) The default file system for the Cuddeback is FAT32. Cuddeback will format 64 MB
cards and higher as FAT32. Most new digital cameras will use the FAT32 file system.
3) Some digital cameras use the FAT or FAT16 file system. If you want to read
Cuddeback images with these cameras, you should format the CF card in the digital
camera and not with the Cuddeback camera.
4) You can also format your CF cards with your PC. You can use either FAT or FAT32
formats. We recommend you use FAT32 unless you need to view your images on a
device that does not support FAT32.
The Cuddeback Compact Flash folder structure is as follows:
Directory where images are saved
Event file is saved in the root folder
Images are named in the format CDY_0001.JPG. The number will increment with
each image.
Videos are named in the format CDY_0001.AVI. The number of the AVI file will
match the number of the JPG file it coincides with.
Cuddeback can detect an animal up to 100 feet. However, this detection range is
dependent upon ambient air temperatures. The cooler the temperatures the farther
Cuddeback can sense an animal. In very hot weather (above 80° F), the sensor may
only sense up to 20 feet. You can change the
sensitivity of Cuddeback's
motion/heat sensor using the method described on page 44.
However, you can also adjust the sensitivity by moving a small black removable
jumper located below the LCD display. When this jumper is in the lower position,
standard sensitivity is selected. When this jumper is in the upper position, high
sensitivity is selected. We recommend leaving the jumper in the upper position.
In hot weather (above 80° F) you may always want to use the jumper in the upper
position to increase the detection distances. You may need to use a small tweezers
to access the jumper. If you lose the jumper, your Cuddeback will still function prop-
erly with the sensitivity set to standard. If you are getting false detections, lower the
sensitivity using the jumper or software menu.
NoFlash07OwnerManual 11/6/07 3:26 PM Page 25