Cuddeback C3000 User Manual

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background image

Longer Battery Life

Faster Trigger Time

Page 8 of 20

2) The default file system for the Cuddeback is FAT32. Cuddeback will format 64 MB cards and higher as FAT32. Most new

digital cameras will use the FAT32 file system.

3) Some digital cameras use the FAT or FAT16 file system. If you want to read Cuddeback images with these cameras you should

format the CF card in the digital camera, and n ot with the Cuddeback camera.

4) Most PCs will be able to read CF cards formatted in either FAT or FAT32.
5) You can also format your CF cards with your PC. You can use either FAT or FAT32 formats. We recommend you use FAT32

unless you need to view your images on a device that does not support FAT32.

Memory Card File Format
The Cuddeback Compact Flash folder structure is as follows:


Directory of active images


First archive directory



Second archive directory



Event file is saved in the root folder


1. Archive folders are only created if you archive images. Each time you archive images a new folder is created. Archive folder

names are consecutively numbered. Archiving images is only available in Advanced Mode.

2. The file EVENT.TXT is only created if events are saved.

Images saved are named in the format CDY_0001.JPG. The number will increment with each image.

Video clips are named in the format CDY_0001.AVI. The number of the AVI file will match the number of the JPG file it coincides
with (i.e. ~ CDY_0001.AVI will be the video taken when image CDY_0001.JPG was taken).


Cuddeback does not have an ON/OFF switch. Cuddeback is always powered up when batteries are installed.

When you are not using Cuddeback you can DISARM to put Cuddeback in a low power standby mode.

Removing batteries when transporting Cuddeback is NOT recommended.


Cuddeback can detect an animal up to 100 feet. However, this detection range is dependant upon ambient air temperatures. The
cooler the temperatures the farther Cuddeback can sense an animal. In very hot weather (above 80


F) the sensor may only sense up

to 20 feet. You can change the sensitivity of Cuddeback’s motion/heat sensor.

You can adjust the sensitivity in ADVANCED Mode using a software menu item. This is the preferred method. Refer to Appendix A
– Cuddeback Advanced Mode for more information.

However, you can also adjust the sensitivity be moving a small black removable jumper located directly below the TV connector.
When this jumper is in the lower position, standard sensitivity is selected. When this jumper is in the upper position, high sensitivity
is selected. We recommend leaving the jumper in the lower position. However, in hot weather (above 80


F) you may want to use the

upper position to increase detection distances. You may need to use a small tweezers to access the jumper. If you lose the jumper
your Cuddeback will still function properly with the sensitivity set to standard. If you are getting false detections lower the sensitivity
using the jumper or software menu.


You can use a portable TV or Camcorder to view images in the field. You will need: 1) a portable TV with a built in video-in
connector, 2) a patch cord to attach the TV to the Cuddeback’s TV connector (both are available at Radio Shack and other electronic
stores). The patch cord must have an RCA jack on one end to attach to Cuddeback, and the opposite cable end must have a connector
compatible with the portable TV you select. We recommend you bring your Cuddeback to the TV retailer so he can assist in getting
you the correct cable. Radio Shack has a selection of TVs and cables that will work with your Cuddeback.

Images displayed on the TV/camcorder will be at a low resolution. Best image resolution will be obtained on your computer
display or on printed images

Reading Cuddeback Images with a PC