BoonDocker YAMAHA WR-F: WR450F User Manual

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Revised 3/19/2014

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13.Install the oil feed cap for the oil feed line for
the turbo. Install the oil feed line. NOTE: Make
sure filter is installed correctly.

14.Route the oil feed line with clearance away
from head pipe & secure with zip ties.

15.Remove timing hole cover & install the oil
drain line on to the side cover.

16.Route the oil drain line & zip tie in place.
Install the drain line on to the turbo with sup-
plied hose clamp.

17.Drill holes & mount the Actuator solenoid on
the rear fender. Plug in connector from the
BoonDocker control box. Hookup lines as per
control box instructions.

18.Remove left side panel off of air box. Cut the
left side of the air box off as pictured.

Cut the

right side panel off of the box leaving stock front bolt
to connect the side panel to sub frame (like left side).