Stroker pro coil bias feature – Cerwin-Vega Stoker Pro User Manual
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C E R W I N - V E G A ! S T R O K E R S U B W O O F E R S
Stroker PRO Coil Bias Feature
Right out of the box, the Stroker Pro is set with the voice coil in
the center of the magnetic gap, giving you a high power high-
excursion woofer
with the lowest
possible distortion
and maximum
fidelity. By using
the tool included
with the woofer you
can push, or bias,
the coil’s rest
position forward in
the gap. This creates
asymmetrical system
non linearities.
These non linearities create uneven magnetic force and
compliance on the forward and backward stroke of the
speaker. This allows the speaker to create higher amounts of
even ordered distortion (2nd, 4th, etc.) which contributes to the
overall output giving the dB competition users an added
The even ordered
distortion also
enhances the
phenomena known
as, “The Missing
Fundamental” that
enhances the
perception of deep
bass level.