Acolyte DMX User Manual

Page 6

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PA G E 5

E X T E N S I O N S O C K E T R E A R C O N N E C TO R S ( O P T I O N A L )

RS232 Connections: Make a 3-pin cable

Use TX, RX and G (GND)

Set the RS232 parameters to: 9600 bds

8 bits, no parity, 2 stop bits

RS232 Triggering

To play a scene, send 3 bytes (HEX mode):

1 x 255

(x = scene number)

To stop a scene, send 3 bytes (HEX mode):

2 x 255

(x = scene number)

To pause a scene, send 3 bytes (HEX mode):

3 x 255

(x = scene number)

To release a scene, send 3 bytes (HEX mode): 4 x 255

(x = scene number)

To reset a scene, send 3 bytes (HEX mode):

5 x 255

(x = scene number)

Note: the scene number (x) can be from 1 to 40. For instance, 11 means Page B, Scene #3


If the on/off and all 8 LED buttons are flashing, the SD card is missing or damaged

If all 8 LED buttons are flashing, the SD card is empty

If all LEDs are flashing, there is a problem with the firmware

Ports 1-8: Use ports 1 to 8 to make contacts

between G (GND) and P1...P8

Blackout: Connect a relay

Use the 2 pins BK and G (GND)

Example of relay