Corinex Global MAC OS X User Manual

Page 35

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I cannot share my Internet access…

To share broadband Internet access, you need a router connected to your Cable/DSL
modem. This will provide a firewall with a single IP address that all computers will use
as a gateway. Connect a

Corinex CableLAN Adapter to your Cable/DSL router.

I have got all that, it still doesn’t work...

• Make sure that your TCP/IP settings are set to automatically obtaining IP

address and gateway address.

• Switch off all computers and unplug the CableLAN devices, now plug your

CableLAN Adapter back into the router before switching on your computer.
This will ensure that the computer’s IP address will be obtained from the

• Now open the web browser, if the "Not Found" page appears, try to check your

LAN settings in the Internet Options of your web browser.

It works but it is slow...

A slow connection is almost always due to poor cable connection.

• Make sure the device is connected straight into the cable outlet and not into

a splitter or extension cable.

• Try another cable outlet.

If you still have trouble, you may contact the Corinex "help desk" by sending an e-mail
to: [email protected]
- describing your problem
- reporting the devices types and manufacturing numbers of your network adapters
- giving us a phone number under which you may be reached, inclusive a convenient

time to call

Troubleshooting Guide


Corinex CableLAN Adapter Manual