Holding the blower, Using the variable speed cruise control, Other tips – Craftsman 316.794830 User Manual
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After starting the unit, aiways stand on
the ieft side of the unit to operate it as shown in figure 15
to keep from biocking the air intake.
Before operating the unit, stand in the operating position. Check for
the foiiowing:
• Operator is wearing proper ciothing, such as boots, safety giasses
or goggies, ear/hearing protection, gioves, iong pants and iong
sieeve shirt
• if the conditions are dusty, the operator is wearing a dust mask or
face mask
To avoid serious personai injury, wear
goggies or safety giasses at aii times when operating
this unit. Wear a face mask or dust mask in dusty
• The unit is in good working condition
• The tubes are in piace and secure
To prevent serious personai injury or
damage to the unit, make sure biower tubes are in piace
before you operate the unit.
Using the Variable Speed Cruise Control
1. Once the engine has started and warmed up, squeeze the
trigger to acceierate the unit as needed (Fig. 14).
For ionger periods of operation and to eiiminate possibie finger
fatigue, move the variabie speed cruise controi toward the
FAST position to incrementaiiy increase or maintain the unit’s
engine speed (Fig. 14). When the variabie speed cruise controi
is pressed, the trigger wiii recede into the handie.
To decrease engine speed, move the variabie speed cruise
controi to the SLOW position and the trigger wiii return to idie
(Fig. 14).
Other Tips
• Assure the unit is not directed at anybody or any ioose debris
before starting the unit.
• Verify that the unit is in good working condition. Make sure the
tubes are in piace and secure.
• Aiways hoid the unit secureiy when operating. Keep a firm grip on
the handie.
• To reduce the risk of hearing ioss associated with sound ievei(s),
hearing protection is required.
• Operate power equipment oniy at reasonabie hours— not eariy in
the morning or iate at night when peopie might be disturbed.
Oompiy with times iisted in iocai ordinances. Usuai
recommendations are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through
• To reduce noise ieveis, iimit the number of pieces of equipment
used at any one time.
• To reduce noise ieveis, operate power biowers at the iowest
possibie speed to do the job.
• Check your equipment before operation, especiaiiy the muffier, air
intakes and air fiiters.
• Use rakes and brooms to ioosen debris before biowing.
• in dusty conditions, siightiy dampen surfaces or use a mister
attachment when water is avaiiabie.
• Conserve water by using power biowers instead of hoses for many
iawn and garden appiications, inciuding areas such as screens,
patios, griiis, porches, and gardens.
• Watch out for chiidren, pets, open windows or freshiy washed cars,
and biow debris safeiy away.
• Use the curved nozzie extension so the air stream can work cióse
to the ground (p. El 9, no. 25).
• Ciean up after using biowers and other equipment. Dispose of
debris appropriateiy.
• Use the biower for trees, shrubs, fiower beds and hard-to-ciean
areas. Aiso use the unit around buiidings, waiis, overhangs, fences
and screens, and for other normai cieaning procedures.
• Hold the blower with the right hand. Do not stand on the right
side of the biower when operating the unit (Fig. 14). if you do, you
wiii be biocking the air intake and this wiii affect the unit’s
performance, instead, be sure to stand on the ieft side of the unit to
maximize the unit’s efficiency (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15