Closet Maid 6601 User Manual
Closet Maid Furniture

Mark wall for wall clip locations. Locate a wall clip 2” from
each end of shelf and in equal increments (no more than 12”)
between the two wall clips on each end.
Marque la pared para las ubicaciones de los clips. Ubique un
clip a 5,1 cm de distancia de cada extremo de la repisa en incre-
mentos iguales (no más de 30,5 cm) entre dos clips
de extremo.
Drill 1/4” holes through wall. DO NOT PUNCH HOLES. Push each
anchor into drilled hole. Use bottom of hammer handle to push in
pin. For removal, pry pin out with screwdriver.
Perfore agujeros de 6 mm a través de la pared. NO LOS PUNZONE.
Empuje cada anclaje precargado en el agujero perforado. Use la
parte inferior del mango del martillo para empujar el pasador hacia
adentro. Para remover, palanquee el pasador para sacarlo con un
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Made in USA
© ClosetMaid Corporation 2005
Ocala, FL 34478-4400
If a ClosetMaid® product does not give user complete
satisfaction when installed in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions,
it will be exchanged free of charge. Only the unsatis-
factory part in a multi-piece product
will be exchanged.