Getblockdata, Blockreadstatus, Blockslavetransmittter – Calibre UK UCA93 User Manual

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Issue 1.0

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This is the number of times the Adapter is to try to send the address.

Parameters returned



Adapter must be configured using setup.

Functional description

This function causes the Adapter to read a block of data via the I2C bus.



Function specification

int GetBlockData(void)

Parameters are:


Parameters returned

int RdData.


Adapter must be configured using Setup. The block read function MUST have
been called and the BlockReadStatus should be called to determine if the
transfer has been completed

Functional description

Read data from the driver buffers. MAXIMUM DATA SIZE 2048 bytes.



Function specification

int BlockReadStatus (void))

Parameters are:


Parameters returned

int TransferStatus.
Returns 0 if the transfer has not been completed.
Returns the I2C Bus status if the transfer is completed.
Returns 900AH if the transfer time out.


Adapter must be configured using Setup. The transfer must be started using
the BlockRead function.

Functional description

Returns the current status of the BlockWrite transfer NOTE this function will
time out if the block is not sent in NoBytes / 100 seconds (or 1 second which
ever is the greater).



Function specification

int BlockSlaveTransmitter(int NoBytesToTransmit, int Timeout)

Parameters are:

int NoBytesToTransmit
The number of bytes to be sent which MUST be pre loaded into the driver
buffers. The maximum size of this buffer is 2048 exceeding this WILL cause
the data to be corrupted.
Int Timeout
If the transfer is not completed within Timeout seconds the
BlockSlaveTansmitStatus will return a Timeout error.

Parameters returned

Returns an unused integer.


Adapter must be configured using Setup. The data MUST be loaded into the
driver buffers PRIOR to calling this functions (see SetBlockData).

Functional description

This function causes the Adapter to respond to I2C master requests for data.
This function supports transfers where the master sends WordAddress pointers
to data locations within the transfer block. If the master does not request to
read data from the beginning of the data block the Adapter will remove the data
from the buffer until the byte requested by the master is reached it will then
transmit the data.
Should the master exceed the number of bytes available the Adapter will
honour all requests for data and the overflow will be reported see
This function allows the user to emulate simple slave devices e.g. EEPROM
BUT once the master has completed the transfer the Adapter will NOT respond
to any further requests for data until the BlockSlaveTransmitter is called again.