SONiVOX Big Bang Universal Drums User Manual

Page 26

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Issue: My plug-in does not show up.

Solution: Before proceeding, make sure that you have the latest updates installed. Once you
have the latest updates, try the following for your software:

Steinberg Cubase™ or Nuendo™: From the Devices menu, open the plug-in

information window. Make sure that the installed plug-in can be seen. Click the checkbox
next to the plug-in name to activate it. Restart Cubase or Nuendo and the changes should
take effect.





: Make sure that the plug-in was installed correctly by checking the local

plug-ins folder ([your hard drive] Library Audio


Components) for

installed items. Start the Logic AU Manager from Logic Menu Preferences. Rescan
individual plug-ins or reset and rescan all plug-ins. After scanning, you may need to
activate a plug-in by clicking the checkbox next to it.

Ableton™ Live: If you are using a custom VST/AU folder, make sure you installed Big

Bang Universal Drums into the same folder as the rest of your plug-ins. Also, make sure
that in Live's Preferences, you have directed Live to search that folder for plug-ins.



Digital Performer


: Rescanning all the plug-ins often solves this problem. To

force Digital Performer to rescan all plug-ins, delete the plug-in preference file AudioUnit
info cache
from this folder: [your hard drive] Users

[your home directory]

Library Preferences Digital Performer.



SONAR™ X1 or X2: SONAR's VST plug-in folder is stored inside the

program's preferences. To edit these preferences, create a new project, go to Edit

Preferences. Click VST Settings in the sidebar (to the left under the File sub-heading). At
the top of that window, there is a list of folders that SONAR searches for VST plug-ins. If
you do not see the folder that you installed in that list, click Add and navigate to the folder
in which you installed Big Bang Universal Drums. Highlight the folder and click OK and
then click the Scan VST Folders button (under the VST Scan heading).