RearviewSafety RVS-770619N User Manual
Page 8

To automatically have camera and monitor turn ON when vehicles activates,
simply twist BLUE positive trigger 12V+ to Red Power line 12V+ and wire to
ignition power which can be an accessory switch/fuse line.
When using a 2 camera setup, use ports #'s 2 and 3
For Safety reasons, on some 1 camera setup systems, when port #
“Backup” is activated it overrides port #1. On these systems customer can
have system ““on” all the time (see note above) or just in “reverse” not both
Audio only activates when REVERSE “BLUE” trigger is put to power
Audio only works on two ports on multiplexer.
1. port labeled “BACKUP” 2. Port Labeled “DVD”.
On some models when “BLUE” trigger is activated it overrides port#1 and
port #1 cannot be seen until the “blue” trigger is deactivated.
There is a built in voltage range for our systems which can handle 12-24
volts real consumption is 10 to 30 Volts.
When installing a TWO camera setup, use ports #2 and #3 and use positive
triggers Blue and White.
When installing all three cameras, use all three ports and connect all
positive triggers to appropriate connections.
When installing a one (1) camera setup, use port #3. Place blue trigger
wire to reverse power line. Place red wire to positive and black wire to
ground. Do not use yellow and white power cables.