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5) Filter position calibration

In the event you need to align the filter position with the camera position, please read the following.
In some PC’s the mscomm32.ocx file should be registered (Run the “Install.bat” file).
Run the “Color wheel calibration.exe” file found in “Manual control and calibration software” directory.
Connect the Filter Wheel using the RS-232 cable.

The Buttons 1 – 5 are the Filter Wheel control buttons.

The five up, down buttons in the right are to adjust each position of the filter hole

The calibration procedure is :
First, find out which position needs to be adjusted. Then adjust the Up and Down buttons, and click the “Custom” button.

The Filter Wheel will flash if the data is accepted. Then click the control button to see if it is aligned correctly.
The “Factory” button is to set the Filter Wheel back to the Factory default settings.


Colorwheel program

The colorwheel program is found in Manual control and calibration software”.
This is a basic RS232 control program for controlling the Filter Wheel. It is a very basic
program, which can be used to quickly verify comms connections, etc.
Just run the “Colorwheel.exe” file, and connect to the com port having the Filter Wheel
connected. Then select 1, 2, 3 etc to select filter position 1, 2 , 3 etc.