QHYCCD QHY8L User Manual

Page 10

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Click “Live View” for focusing and framing. Click Shoot to capture an image or

use the Plan function. Note that for single exposures, time information is to be
entered in the box to the lower right. Be aware that focusing with this program

is a bit difficult because of the long time between image refreshes on the screen

when in live view mode.

ImagesPlus Camera Control

Please download the latest version of the ASCOM platform. If it has the latest
UPDATE, please download it together. Install ASCOM and UPDATE.

Download and install the ASCOM driver of the QHY8L.

Start ImagesPlus program. Click “Camera” in top menu, then “ASCOM Color and

Mono CCD”.

From ASCOM Camera Chooser, select QHY8L

From the resulting popup box, click the CONNECT tab if it is not already selected,
then press the CONNECT button near the bottom. Answer the popup questions,

then go down and tick the box next to “Convert 1x1 Full Size Bayer Format to

Color for Display”. In the drop-down box, select QHY8L.

Click the tab CURRENT SETTINGS, look for the “CCD Temperature” box, then

turn the cooler on and set a desired temperature.

Next enter an exposure time and click EXPOSE. It will take an image and display


This program does not have live view. To focus, click the FOCUS METRICS tab

and press EXPOSE. In the resulting image, select a small area with stars and
draw a box around it by pressing left mouse button, the press “Use Sub-image”.

Select an isolated star then DONE in the popup box.

In the bottom box tick “Loop” and the press “Expose”. This will continually

expose images and give focus metric information.

Use the QHY8L as a Guider in MaxIm DL

the QHY8L has a built-in guide port. You can use the QHY8L guide port's output

signal through ASCOM to guide on a star. the QHY8L use 1*1 binning mode by

default and use normal readout speed mode. You should select part of the image
as a guide star image area.

You should use a guide star cable for connecting the QHY8L guide port with
equatorial guide port (ST-4 cable, not supplied with camera). Run MaxIm DL

software. Select the camera icon in the toolbar (ctrl+w). There will be a Camera

Control window. Click Setup Camera button inside setup window. Then it will pop
up "Setup ASCOM" window. Select ASCOM from the menu of Camera Model.

Click Advanced button. Select the type of QHY8LS StarSenSeci from the window

of ASCOM Camera Choose, and then click Properties button to set some usual
value of parameters, like the value of GAIN, OFFSET and the speed of readout.

Then click OK button and go back to the Camera Control window, click Connect

button to connect the camera.