Asparagus, mushroom & fontina quiche – Cuisinart BRK-300 User Manual
Page 16

Place the water, butter, salt and sugar in a
medium saucepan and set over medium heat.
Once the mixture comes to a boil, remove
from heat and stir in all of the flour. Return
to the burner and raise the heat to medium-
high. Using a wooden spoon, continuously
stir the mixture until it dries out. You will
know it is done when the dough leaves a
thick hard film on the bottom of the pot.
Remove from heat and put mixture into a
medium-large mixing bowl. Beat the dough
with a Cuisinart
Hand Mixer on a low speed
to release steam and cool. Once the dough
has cooled, after about to 3 minutes, start
adding the eggs, one at a time, mixing each
until fully incorporated before adding the
next. The dough is ready when it becomes
a pale yellow color, and will drop from the
beater in a slow and steady stream. If the
dough is too thick, beat the remaining two
eggs together and slowly begin to add them
with the beaters running. Be sure not to
make the dough too runny or it will not hold
its shape.
Stir in ½ cup of Gruyère and the spices. Pour
the batter into a large pastry bag fitted with
a small to medium sized round tip. Pipe the
gougère dough into 1-inch rounds, leaving
½ inch around each one on the prepared
baking sheet. Top each one with a pinch of
the reserved Gruyère. Place the tray on the
preheated stone in the oven, and turn the
oven off. Let the gougères sit in the oven
for 10 minutes. Lower the heat to 300°F and
turn the oven back on. Let bake for 0 to
5 minutes, or until the gougères are hollow
and nicely browned, and not wet inside. To
ensure even color, turn baking sheet halfway
through baking.
Serve immediately.
Nutritional information per serving (five 1-inch gougères):
Calories 82 (66% from fat) • carb. 3g • pro. 4g
• fat 6g • sat. fat 4g • chol. 19mg • sod. 97mg
• calc. 116mg • fiber 0g
Asparagus, Mushroom
& Fontina Quiche
Great for a Sunday brunch, this quiche
will please any crowd.
Makes one 9-inch deep-dish quiche, 8-1
recipe pâte brisée dough (page 17)
tablespoons unsalted butter,
or olive oil
cup asparagus, cut into ½-inch
cup mushrooms, halved and sliced
cups whole milk
cups heavy cream
large eggs
teaspoon table salt
teaspoon black pepper
ounces fontina
Preheat Cuisinart
Brick Oven to 350°F on
the bake setting fitted with the baking stone
on a rack in position A. Preheat stone for
at least 30 minutes. Roll out the dough into
a 10-inch disc that is about
inch thick.
Fit into an ungreased 9-inch, 1½ quart,
ceramic pie baker. Chill in refrigerator for
about 0 minutes. Using a fork, prick the
dough evenly all over but make sure not to
go entirely through the dough. Line the shell
with parchment and weigh down with dried
beans or rice. Bake in preheated oven for 15
to 0 minutes, or until the dough underneath
the parchment is no longer wet. Remove
the beans/rice and parchment and continue
baking until the shell is golden brown.
Remove; cool; reserve.
While the shell is baking, place the butter/
olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add
the asparagus and mushrooms and sauté
over medium-high heat for 4 to 5 minutes,
or until the asparagus is bright and just
softened. Reserve.
In a medium bowl, mix the milk, cream,
eggs, salt and pepper. Using a Cuisinart
Hand Mixer fitted with the whisk attachment,
whip the mixture on high for 30 seconds
to 1 minute. Spread the asparagus and
mushrooms evenly on the bottom of the
cooled tart shell. Pour in the liquid mixture
and top with the fontina.
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