Bonus if you register online – CLIFFORD BlackJax 4 User Manual

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Op tional Cliff Net Wiz ard™ & Da ta Port In ter face Con nec tor

If you opted for the Clifford DataPort interface connector, you may use our CliffNet Wizard

software to access your system through your Windows PC. CliffNet Wizard will show you, on

your PC screen, all your user-programmable feature settings. You can customize features like

siren duration with just a click of your mouse, or easily enter a new PIN code. It’s actually fun!

And secure. To learn more and download this free software, go to

Life time lim ited fac tory war ranty terms & con di tions

Clif ford ve hi cle se cu rity sys tems and ac ces so ries re quire pro fes sional in stal la tion by an Authorized Clif ford

Dealer. Un less the sys tem is sold and in stalled by an Authorized Clif ford Dealer, all prod uct war ran ties and

guar an tees are void. As the manu fac turer, Clif ford Elec tron ics war rants to the origi nal con sumer pur chaser,

the sys tem con trol unit and re mote con trols to be free from de fects in ma te rial and work man ship for as long as

you own the ve hi cle in which the sys tem was origi nally in stalled. All other parts of the sys tem and ac ces so ries

to the sys tem are war ranted to be free from de fects in ma te rial and work man ship for one (1) year from the date

of pur chase. Clif ford Elec tron ics will re pair or re place, at its op tion and free of charge dur ing the war ranty

pe riod, any sys tem com po nent that proves de fec tive in ma te rial or work man ship un der nor mal in stal la tion,

use, and serv ice, pro vided the prod uct is re turned to our fac tory by an Authorized Clifford Dealer,

trans por ta tion charges pre paid. Prod ucts re turned to our fac tory must be ac com pa nied by a pho to copy of the

pur chase re ceipt. In the ab sence of such pur chase re ceipt, the war ranty pe riod shall be one (1) year from the

date of manu fac ture. Any dam age to the prod uct(s) as a re sult of mis use, abuse, ne glect, ac ci dent, in cor rect

wir ing, im proper in stal la tion, de struc tion or al tera tion of the se rial number, re pair or al tera tion out side our

fac tory, or any use vio la tive of in struc tions fur nished by us will void the war ranty. This war ranty is lim ited to

de fec tive parts and spe cifi cally ex cludes any in ci den tal or con se quen tial dam ages con nected there with. This

warranty is not transferable. Clif ford Elec tron ics makes no war ranty against theft. This war ranty is not to be

con strued as an in sur ance pol icy against loss. War ranty on in stal la tion la bor, re moval and re in stal la tion

charges are not the re spon si bil ity of Clif ford Elec tron ics, Inc.

Theft pro tec tion guar an tee terms & con di tions

In the event that your automobile is stolen and not recovered within 30 days, Clifford Electronics will refund

to you, the original purchaser of the Clifford system, your insurance theft deductible up to $3,000 (USA and

Canada only). This guarantee applies only to the owner of the vehicle in which the Clifford system was

originally installed and that you were the owner of this same vehicle when it was stolen. This guarantee is

valid only in the USA and Canada and only if:

(1) Installation of the Clifford vehicle security product was performed by an Authorized Clifford dealer.

(2) Clifford Electronics window stickers are adhered to both the driver’s-side and curb-side windows and are clearly

visible on both sides from outside the vehicle.

(3) At the time of the theft, the Clifford system was fully functional, armed and not in “valet mode.”

(4) Your insurance company and the police have been notified and a written stolen vehicle report was issued by the

Police Department.

(5) No less than thirty (30) days after the police report was issued, you mail to the nearest Clifford Electronics location

noted on the back cover of this manual clear photocopies of the following documents:


The stolen vehicle police report noting the location and phone number of the police station that issued the



A dated declaration signed by you, the owner of the vehicle, attesting that the vehicle has been stolen for more

than thirty (30) days and has not been recovered.

III. A photocopy of the payment you received from your insurance company for the loss of your vehicle.

IV. A photocopy of your insurance policy showing your name and the theft deductible.

This guarantee is effective for 6 months from the date of purchase as indicated by your purchase receipt (or 12

months if you complete the online registration process at within 10 days of

purchase), is limited to one claim and is valid only when the entire vehicle was stolen and not recovered. This

guarantee is not transferable and specifically excludes any other consideration, including, but not limited to,

damage caused to the vehicle, theft of parts or contents, or any consequential damages. Once Clifford

Electronics verifies the above listed requirements have been met, a payment will be made to you in

accordance with the above stated provisions.


Within 10 days of pur chase,

reg is ter your Clifford purchase online at and, as

a bonus for doing so, Clifford Electronics will double the duration of your

system’s theft pro tec tion guar an tee from 6 months to 12 months.

Don’t have a home computer? If you do not have a home computer to register

online, keep in mind that you may do so via the computer of a friend or

relative, via an Internet connection at your workplace, via a “cyber-cafe” or

via most local schools and libraries. THANKS!