Code Alarm CA-160 User Manual
Page 5

Using Valet Mode
To engage valet mode:
Turn the ignition key to the ON position.
Press and hold the valet/override button until the blue dash mounted status indicator light turns
on solid, indicating that the system has entered valet mode.
When valet mode is activated the blue dash mounted status indicator light will light solid, and all security
functions will be disabled.
To disengage valet Mode:
Turn the ignition key to the ON position.
Press and release the valet/override button, the blue dash mounted status indicator light will
turn off indicating that the system has exited valet mode and all security functions wil be
enabled the next time the system is armed.
Additional LCD Remote Control Functions
Check Vehicle Status
Press the LOCK icon button, TRUNK icon button and OPTION button simultaneously for 1 second. The
LCD remote control will display the system’s current status.
Check Temperature
Press the TRUNK icon button and OPTION button simultaneously for 1 second. The LCD remote control
will display the vehicle’s interior temperature.
LCD Remote Control Display Illumination
Press and release the “F” button on the LCD remote control one time. The display will illuminate for 10
LCD Remote Control Vibrate or Tones
Press an release the “F” button and the UNLOCK icon button on the LCD remote control simultaneously
one time to toggle between beep tones and vibrate mode. The LCD remote control will either beep or
vibrate to indicate which mode is selected.
Page Call Out
From within the vehicle, press and hold the emergency override button for 4 seconds, the LCD remote
control will emit a beep tone to indicate that someone is calling you to the vehicle.
Countdown Timer
The LCD remote control is equipped with a countdown timer for situations where an alert tone may be
needed to remind you of something important. The countdown timer allows you to set the timer up to 19
hours and 59 minutes. Refer to page 9 for programming.
Parking Meter Timer
The LCD remote control is equipped with a parking meter timer that allows you to set a countdown timer
for 10, 20, 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes. The LCD remote control will emit a beep tone when the timer expires.
Refer to page 9 for programming.
Alarm Clock
The LCD remote control is equipped with a built in alarm clock that can be set to beep at a certain time
each day. The alarm clock must be set, and the feature turned on. Refer to page 9 for programming.