Cadet SBFT2 User Manual
Smart-base, Sbft2

General Programming Operation:
5-1-1 programming allows you to create a heating schedule that is specific
to your needs: weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday. Weekdays are a single
unit, meaning the program schedule will be the same for Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday and Sunday can
each have individual programs. Every weekday, Saturday, or Sunday
program has 4 daily settings: WAKE, LEAVE, RETURN, and SLEEP.
✦ WAKE: The desired room temperature and time the heating period
should begin when you are present in the morning. If desired, allow
15 minutes prior to wake time for the room to reach comfort level.
✦ LEAVE: The time and the lower desired temperature you would like your
room to be when you leave for the day. This is an energy saving period.
✦ RETURN: The desired room temperature and time the heating period
should begin when you are present in the evening. If desired, allow
15 minutes prior to your return time for the room to reach comfort level.
✦ SLEEP: The time and the lower desired temperature you would like
your room to be while you sleep. This is an energy saving period.
Each setting needs to be programmed with a time and temperature.
Programming begins by directing you to set the time of day for the 4 daily
settings for weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday. Once all times have been set,
the program will direct you to set the temperatures for the 4 daily settings for
weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday. Setpoint range: 41°F to 86°F (5°C to 30°C).
Operation Modes:
✦ The AUTOmatic mode runs the programmed sequence recorded by
the user. Use this mode when daily comfort needs and routine are in
accordance with the recorded program.
✦ The MANUAL mode overrides the recorded program sequence. Use
this mode when out of town or when maintaining a certain tempera-
ture set point for an extended period of time is desired. Setting the
manual temperature to a cool set point of 62 degrees or less helps
reduce energy costs. The MANUAL mode stays active until the
AUTOmatic program is activated.
✦ The Temporary Setpoint overrides the programmed temperature when
AUTO mode is activated. Set a Temporary Setpoint when changing
the temperature for a given period of the day. The setpoint will stay
active until the next programmed period for the given day.
Energy Saving Tips:
Here are a few tips to maximize energy saving capabilities:
✦ When programming, always set the temperature back for a minimum
of 8 hours when away from home or asleep.
✦ Each 2-degree decrease for an 8 hour period is equivalent to a 2% savings.
✦ Maximize the 8 hour temperature set back by reducing the setpoint
8 to 10 degrees from your preferred comfort setpoint.
✦ Use the manual mode to set and hold the temperature back 8 degrees
or more while on vacation.
✦ Or, maintain default program. The thermostat comes equipped with
an energy saving program, as outlined in the “Default Settings” table.
3. To set the hours, press the down
▼ button to decrease the hour or
the up
▲ button to advance. Note:
the clock is a 24 hour clock and will
display AM or PM to distinguish
time of day. The AM/PM icon will
change with setting the hours.
5. Press the MODE button to activate
the set day of week mode. The SU
icon will flash. To set the day,
press the down
▼ button to select
the previous day or the up
▲ button
to select the next day. Only the
selected day will show on the LCD.
Press the MODE button to save
your selection.
1. To activate the PROGRAM MODE,
press the MODE button. CLOCK,
NEXT, SCHED appear on the display.
4. Press the MODE button to activate
the set minutes mode. The minute
numerals will flash. To set the
minutes, press the down
▼ button
to decrease the minutes or the up
button to advance.
2. To activate the CLOCK MODE,
press the DOWN
▼ button. The hour
numerals will flash.
7. To program the WAKE, LEAVE,
RETURN and SLEEP time settings
for both Saturday (SA) and Sunday
(SU), return to the beginning of the
instructions and repeat.
5. To program the RETURN time
setting, press the down
▼ button to
decrease the time or the up
▲ button
to increase. When the time setting is
correct, press the MODE button to
program the SLEEP time setting.
3. To program the WAKE time setting,
press the down
▼ button to decrease
the time or the up
▲ button to increase.
When the time setting is correct,
press the MODE button to advance
to program the LEAVE time setting.
1.To activate the PROGRAM MODE,
press the MODE button once.
CLOCK, NEXT, SCHED appear on
the display.
8. After programming the Saturday
and Sunday time settings, press
the MODE button to program the
Monday through Friday WAKE
setpoint temperature. To program
setpoint temps, press the down
button to decrease the temp or the
▲ button to increase. When the
temperature setting is correct,
press the MODE button to advance
to program the LEAVE temp.
6. To program the SLEEP time
setting, press the down
▼ button
to decrease the time or the up
button to increase. When the time
setting is correct, press the MODE
button to program the Saturday
WAKE time setting.
4. To program the LEAVE time
setting, press the down
▼ button
to decrease the time or the up
button to increase. When the time
setting is correct, press the MODE
button to advance to program the
RETURN time setting.
2. To activate the AUTO SCHEDULE
program mode, press the up
button once. The first display will
be the WAKE time for Monday
through Friday. Time adjustments
are made in 15 minute increments.
Setting a Temporary Setpoint:
3. To set a temporary setpoint
(AUTO mode only), press either the
▼ button or the up ▲ button
to display the current setpoint. To
change the setpoint, press the down
▼ button to decrease the setting
or press the up
▲ button to increase.
TEMP is displayed to indicate that
a temporary setpoint is active. The
temporary setpoint will be canceled
when the next programmed oper-
ating setting has been activated
It may also be canceled by adjusting
the setpoint up or down until the
TEMP icon disappears.
Selecting AUTO or MANUAL Mode:
1. To select the AUTO or MANUAL
operating mode, press the MODE
button twice. The MANUAL, RUN,
AUTO appear on the display. The
current mode is identified by a
flashing underline. Press the down
▼ button to select MANUAL mode
or the up
▲ button to select AUTO
mode. To activate the selected
operating mode, press the MODE
button again.
9. Continue to program the
setpoint temperatures by pressing
the MODE button to advance to
For each schedule, press either
the down
▼ button or the up ▲
button to program the correct
setpoint. Press the MODE button
to advance.
Adjusting MANUAL Setpoint:
2. To adjust the MANUAL mode
setpoint, press either the down
button or the up
▲ button to display
the current manual setpoint. To
change the setpoint, press the down
▼ button to decrease the setting or
press the up
▲ button to increase.
The thermostat will automatically
return to the time/room temperature
display within 30 seconds.
10. Continue to program the
setpoint temperatures for Saturday
and Sunday by pressing the MODE
button to advance. For each schedule,
press either the down
▼ button or
the up
▲ button to program the
correct setpoint. When you have
completed the programming, press
the MODE button to save.
* The SMART-BASE thermostat has been simulated to offer the best
performance for a built-in control. The concept is to simulate a midpoint
temperature of the room, respond to this setting, and maintain it for
optimum comfort. However, keep in mind that temperature variances to
this reading could be affected by drafts within the wall area, cold air from
flooring or drafts from a nearby window or door.
©2009 Cadet Manufacturing Co.
Printed in U.S.A. 1/11 #720002
Day of the Week
Adjust Temperature,
Time, Day, Setting & Mode
Room or Setting
1 of 2
The default schedule only applies at
the first start of the microprocessor.
When the thermostat has been
programmed, the default values no
longer apply.
Before you program your thermostat, take a moment and write a program
suitable to your needs and schedule. You will need to know this before
programming thethermostat. Use the default settings guide above as
a guideline.
Programmed values are retained if the
heater power is interrupted or turned
OFF. Once the power is restored, the
thermostat will be in AUTO mode.
However, the clock and day of the
week will require reprogramming.
* Room
Time of Day
Default Settings:
The thermostat will load its default program
settings when power is established for
the first time. The display will alternate
between a room temperature display
and a time of day display. Both the time
of day and room temperature displays
will continuously flash to indicate that a
power interruption has occured.
Programming Instructions: START UP
How to Press Buttons for Programming:
✦ To change the temperature set point, press the down▼ or up ▲ button
and hold, release when desired set point is reached. Temperature
increases or decreases in 1 degree increments.
✦ To change the time of day, press the down▼ or up ▲ button and
hold, release when desired set point is reached. Time of day increases
or decreases in 15 minute increments.
✦ For all other functions, press once to make changes or selections.
Setting the Time of Day and Day of Week: