Helpful cooking chart – Cuisinart COMPACT GR-35 User Manual

Page 12

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Temperature and Time


Lay in a single layer .

Grill or Griddle;
flat position .

High, until desired doneness .

boneless steak

Up to 2 inches thick .
Season to taste . Drain
off marinade well if
marinated before
grilling .

Grill; closed or
flat .

High, in the closed position, 3 to 10
minutes . High, in the flat position,
for 3 to 6 minutes per side,
depending on the thickness .

Beef, fillets

1 to 2 inches thick .
Season to taste . Drain
off marinade well if
marinated before
grilling .

Grill; closed or
flat .

High, 8 to 12 minutes in the closed
position . High, 4 to 6 minutes per
side in the flat position, up to 12
minutes in total depending on
thickness .


Shape meat into
burgers of even weight
and thickness .

Grill; closed or
flat .

High, 5 to 8 minutes to degree of
desired doneness .

skinless breast

½ to ¾-inch thick . All
chicken grilled at one
time should be same
thickness .

Grill or Griddle;
closed or flat .

High, in the closed position, for 7 to 9
minutes . If grilling in the flat position,
cook on High for 8 to 10 minutes per
side . (Juices will run clear with no
signs of pink when done .)

skinless thighs

Spread to even
thickness, remove all
visible fat .

Grill or Griddle;
closed or flat .

High, in the closed position, 8 to 10
minutes . If grilling in the flat position,
cook on High for 8 to 10 minutes per
side . (Juices will run clear with no
signs of pink when done .)

Fish steaks
(sword, tuna,

¾ to 1 inch thick .
Season to taste . Drain
off marinade well if
marinated before
grilling .

Grill or Griddle;
closed or flat .

High, in the closed position, 6 to 7½
minutes . If grilling in the flat position,
cook on High for 7 to 8 minutes per
side .

Ham steaks

Dry thoroughly with
paper towels; remove
bone if there is one .

Grill or Griddle;
closed or flat .

Medium until heated through,
3 to 5 minutes .

Hot dogs,

Splitting your hot dogs
or sausages gives
them a deeper grilled
flavor .

Grill or Griddle;
closed or flat .

High, in the closed position, 3 to 4
minutes if grilling split hot dogs or
sausages . Whole sausages take 6 to
10 minutes in the closed position . If
grilling in the flat position, always
split the hot dogs or sausages . Flip
after 3 to 4 minutes .


If you are cooking meats that are 2 inches thick, use the closed position . Cooking times are
approximate and depend on thickness of foods being cooked . To be safe, use an instant read
thermometer and refer to the USDA’s safe internal temperature chart, page 4 .