Abu Garcia Orra Spinning Reels User Manual

Page 4

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Control the amount of drag by turning the adjustment dial on the top of the spool. Rotate the dial
clockwise (right) to increase drag or counterclockwise (left) to decrease drag.

For best results the drag should be adjusted to approximately one-third of the breaking test of the
line being used with the exception of braided lines. This can be accomplished by tying the line
to a spring scale for precise adjustment. Make sure the reel is first mounted on a rod and the line
has been run though the rod guides before tying to the scale. The drag should always release
before the line reaches its breaking point. Factors such as line type, technique and fishing
conditions may require different settings. Any drag setting above half of the line strength risks
line breakage.

If a spring scale is unavailable, tie the line to a secure point and engage the anti-reverse. With
the rod tip up (about a 45 degree vertical angle), apply pressure by turning the handle. Gradually
tighten the drag adjusting knob on the top of the spool. When the line approaches its breaking
point, loosen the adjustment dial ¼ turn.


Basic Casting Technique – Capture the line between your forefinger and the rod. Open the bail
arm on the reel. Bring the rod backward so the tip reaches a point above and behind the
shoulder. Without stopping bring the rod back in front of the body in a single motion. Release
the line as the rod is brought forward so that the lure is launched slightly upward and outward
toward your target.


As with any precision product, your Orra™ reel will require regular maintenance. Gently rinse
the reel with fresh water, wipe it dry and lubricate moving parts.

To keep your reel working at peak efficiency, clean and lubricate after each use. At least once a
season your reel should be disassembled for a thorough cleaning and re-lubrication. Refer to the
exploded parts view supplied with your reel. Maintenance kits can be purchased at your local
tackle store and include everything you need to properly service your reel. If you do not wish to
perform this work yourself any nearby

Abu Garcia Service Center

is fully qualified to do this for





This "limited warranty" has been drafted to comply with the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Federal
Trade Commission Improvement Act which is effective for goods manufactured on or after