NISSAN 2012 Pathfinder - Quick Reference Guide User Manual

Page 15

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BluEtootH systEm WitHout naviGation (if so equipped)
PaiRinG PROceduRe

nOte: the vehicle must be stationary when pairing
the phone.

1. Press the

button on the steering wheel and wait

for the tone.

2. Say “Setup.”

3. Wait for the tone, then say “Pair phone.”

4. Wait for the tone, then say “new phone.”

5. initiate connecting from the phone.

the pairing procedure varies according to each cellular phone model. for detailed pairing

instructions and a list of compatible phones, please visit

When prompted for a PaSSkeY code, enter “1234” from the handset. (the PaSSkeY

code is assigned by niSSan and cannot be changed.)

6. Say a name for the phone when the system asks you to provide one. You can give the phone
a name of your choice.

7. Say a number between 1 and 5 when the system asks you for a priority level. the priority
level determines which phone interacts with the system when two or more paired phones are
active in the vehicle at the same time. choose 1 if this is the only phone or the primary phone.

8. Say “Yes” or “no” when the system asks if you would like to select a custom ring tone.
follow the instructions provided by the system to choose a ring tone.

PhOneBOOk SetuP

each paired phone has its own dedicated phonebook. each phonebook can store up to 40
names. each name can have up to four locations/numbers: home, Office, Mobile and Other.

nOte: the vehicle must be stationary when adding new entries.

1. Press the

button and wait for the tone.

2. Say “Phonebook.”

3. Wait for the tone, then say “new entry.”

4. When prompted, say the name for the new entry. for example, say “Michelle.” if the name is too
short or too long, or if it sounds too much like a name that is already stored in the phonebook,
the system tells you and prompts you to say a name again. choose a new name.

5. Say “Yes” or “no” when the system asks you to confirm the name is correct.

6. Say a location (“home,” “Office,” “Mobile” or “Other”) when the system asks you to provide
one. the system acknowledges the location.

By voice command - When prompted, say a phone number for the location. for example,

say “five five five one two one two.” the system repeats the number and prompts you for
the next command.

to view detailed instructional videos regarding these and other features,

please go to