First drive features, Starting/stopping the engine, Outside mirror control switch (if so equipped) – NISSAN 2012 Frontier - Quick Reference Guide User Manual
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first drive features
startinG/stoPPinG tHE EnGinE
AuTOMATic TRAnSMiSSiOn (if so equipped)
Depress the brake pedal.
Move the shift lever to P (ParK).
Turn the ignition switch to start.
MAnuAL TRAnSMiSSiOn (if so equipped)
Depress the brake pedal.
Move the shift lever to n (nEutral).
depress the clutch pedal to the floor.
Turn the ignition switch to start.
TuRninG THe enGine Off
for an automatic transmission, move the shift lever to the P (ParK) position, apply the parking
brake and turn the ignition switch to the loCK position.
For a manual transmission, apply the foot brake, place the vehicle in 1st gear, apply the
parking brake and turn the ignition switch to the loCK position.
for more information, refer to the “starting and driving (section 5)” of your Owner’s Manual.
To view detailed instructional videos regarding these and other features,
please go to
outsiDE mirror Control sWitCH (if so equipped)
The outside mirror control switch is located on the
left side of the instrument panel.
To select the left or right mirror, move the switch
Adjust each mirror to the desired position using the
To prevent accidentally moving the mirror, move the
to the center “neutral” position.
for more information, refer to the “Pre-driving checks and adjustments
(section 3)” of your Owner’s Manual.