NISSAN 2010 Altima Hybrid - Quick Reference Guide User Manual
Page 22

The system provides two commands for entering and dialing a phone number: “diAL” and
“inTeRnATiOnAL cALL.” The “diAL” command is used for domestic phone numbers up to
10-digits in length, starting with the area code. The “inTeRnATiOnAL cALL” command is used
when more than 10-digits need to be dialed or when special characters are required, such as: *,
# or +. When using these two commands, please follow the phone digit speaking rules below:
Only single digits 0 (zero) to 9 (nine) can be spoken.
When saying the phone number 800-662-6200, the system will accept “eight hundred” in
addition to “eight zero zero” or “eight oh oh.” 500, 700 and 900 are also supported.
The long-distance calling prefix “1” is not required when making a call.
“diAL” cOMMAnd OnLy
you can say all the digits of a 7- or 10-digit phone number at one time.
for a 10-digit number, saying the phone number in groups of 3, 3 and 4 digits may improve
recognition for some speakers. To use this group dialing method, say only the first 3 digits of
the phone number. After the system recognizes the number, it will request the next 3 digits
and finally the last 4 digits.
if a phone number is incorrectly recognized, you can try entering the phone number again
using the 3-3-4 group dialing procedure by saying, “cHAnGe nuMBeR.”
“inTeRnATiOnAL cALL” cOMMAnd OnLy
you can say the entire phone number at once or in groups of any digit length.
for *, # and +, say “STAR,” “POund” or “PLuS,” respectively.
NISSAN VOICE RECOGNITION SYSTEM (vehicles with navigation -
if so equipped)
Voice Recognition allows hands-free
operation of the phone, navigation, vehicle
information and audio systems as a default
setting (Standard Mode). Available com-
mands are announced by the system and
shown on the display. you can complete
your desired operation by following the
instructional prompts given by the system.
The system will indicate when you can
speak a command by sounding a tone.
When the ignition switch is placed in the On position, niSSAn Voice Recognition is initialized,
which takes a few seconds. When completed, the system is ready to accept voice commands.
To use voice recognition, push the (TALk) switch located on the steering wheel. if you press
the switch before the system is ready the display will show the message, “System not ready.”
After pushing the switch, the system responds with, “Would you like to access Phone, navigation,
information, Audio or Help?” The screen also changes and shows the available commands to speak.
After the tone, say one of the command choices. The system will then proceed to the next step.