Spills – NISSAN 2008 Altima Hybrid - First Responder's Guide User Manual

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During overhaul, immobilize and disable the vehicle if not already done. Refer to the high voltage electrical
system disable procedure located in Extrication. The high voltag e battery cover should never be breached or
removed under any circumstances , including fire. Doing so may result in severe electrical burns, shock and/or

Recovery/recycling of the Ni-MH high voltage battery
Clean up of the high voltage battery can be accomplished by the vehicle recovery crew without further concern
of runoff or spillage. For information regarding recycling of the high voltage battery, contact the nearest Nissan
dealer or Nissan customer assistance at: United States: 1-800-NISSAN-1 (1-800-647-7261) or in Canada:

The Altima Hybrid contains the same common automotive fluids used in other non -hybrid Nissan vehicles, with
the exception of the Ni-MH electrolyte used in the high voltage battery. The Ni-MH battery electrolyte is a
caustic alkaline (pH 13.5) that is damaging to human tissues. The electrolyte, however, is abso rbed in the cell
plates and should not normally spill or leak out even i f a battery module is cracked. Both the metal battery case
and the plastic battery modules could be breached if a catastrophic crash occurred.

To neutralize a lead-acid battery electrolyte spill, a dilute d boric acid solution or vinegar can be used to
neutralize a Ni-MH battery electrolyte spill similar to the use of baking soda.

Electrolyte leakage from the high voltage battery is unlikely due to the battery construction and the amount of
available electrolyte contained within the Ni-MH modules. Any spillage would not warrant a declaration a s a
hazardous material incident. First responders should follow the recommendations as outlined in this
emergency response guide.

In an emergency, Nissan Material Safety Data Sheets (M SDS) are available by contacting:

United States: CHEMTREC at 1-800-424-9300
Canada: CANUTEC at *666 or 1 -613-996-6666 (collect)

Handle Ni-MH electrolyte spills using the following p ersonal protective equipment:

Splash shield or safety goggles (fold down helmet shields are not acceptable for acid or alkaline
electrolyte spills)

Insulated rubber gloves

Acid-resistant apron

Insulated rubber boots

Insulated rubber mats (for connect/disc onnect of high voltage battery)

Neutralize Ni-MH electrolyte

Use a diluted boric acid solution or vinegar .

Boric acid solution = 800 grams boric acid to 20 liters water or 5.5 ounces boric acid to 1 gallon
of water.