Climate controls – FORD 2003 F-150 v.4 User Manual
Page 43
3. Fan speed: Turn to manually
increase or decrease fan speed.
4. Defrost:
Distributes outside air through the windshield defroster
5. Floor/defrost: Distributes outside air through the windshield
defroster and floor vents.
6. Floor: Distributes outside air through the floor vents.
7. Panel/floor: Distributes outside air through the instrument panel and
floor vents.
8. Vent: Distributes outside air through the instrument panel vents and
the floor vents.
9. Max A/C: Distributes recirculated air through the instrument panel
vents to cool the vehicle.
10. Manual override controls:
Press any of these controls to leave
automatic mode and to manually
determine where airflow is directed. To return to full automatic control,
press AUTO.
11. Outside Temp: Press to display
the outside temperature. Will remain
in the display until pressed again.
The temperature will be most accurate when the vehicle is in motion.
AUTO: Press to engage automatic mode. The system will determine fan
speed, airflow location, and outside or recirculated air depending on the
selected temperature. Fan speed will remain automatic unless the
thumbwheel is turned.
12. Temperature controls: Press
to increase or decrease the desired
temperature. In automatic mode, the
system will determine the fan speed,
airflow location, outside or recirculated air to heat or cool the vehicle to
the selected temperature.
13. EXT: Press to display the outside temperature. This temperature will
remain in the display until pressed again. The temperature will be most
accurate when the vehicle is in motion.
Climate Controls