EcoPure MW_MW15_450217 User Manual
Page 12

Care is taken at the factory to keep your water sof-
tener clean and sanitary. Materials used to make the
softener will not infect or contaminate your water
supply, and will not cause bacteria to form or grow.
However, during shipping, storage, installing and
operating, bacteria could get into the softener. For
this reason, sanitizing as follows is suggested!
when installing.
1. Be sure to complete all installation steps, includ-
ing timer programming.
2. Pour about 3/4 oz of common 5.25% household
bleach (Clorox, etc.,) into the brinewell.
feature, on the timer, to start an immediate regener-
ation. The bleach is drawn into and through the
water softener to sanitize it. This sanitizing regener-
ation is over in about 2 hours. Then, soft water is
available for your use.
NOTE: Sanitizing is recommended by the water Quality
Association for disinfecting. On some water supplies, they sug-
gest periodic sanitizing.
NOTE: When the above sanitizing regeneration is over, all remaining bleach is flushed from the con-
ditioner and your house COLD water supply is fully soft immediately. However, your water heater
is filled with hard water and, as hot water is used, it will refill with soft water. When all the hard
water is replaced, in the water heater, hot only, and mixed hot and cold water will be fully soft. If you
want totally soft water immediately, after the above regeneration, drain the water heater until the
water runs cold. If you do drain the water heater, use extreme care as the water could cause
severe burns.