Humboldt HM-4187A De-Airing Tank User Manual

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The Humboldt HM-4187A De-Airing Tank is designed to remove

dissolved gasses from ordinary tap water. The De-Airing tank requires

a source for vacuum, tap water, and a 110 VAC electrical supply. The

apparatus consists of a closed cylinder with a motor driven impeller.

The rotation of the impeller causes the gasses to separate from the

water while under a constant vacuum. The gasses are evacuated from

the tank at the top. The HM-4187A can be used in conjunction with

any of the distribution panels, as well as the Flex panels.

Using 1/4 inch O/D tubing, attach a vacuum line to the connector at

the top of the tank by pushing the line into the connector until it is

fully seated. Using the same size tubing, connect a line from the “Tap

Water Out” connector at the back of the distribution panel to one of

the connectors at the back of the tank base. Connect another line from

the “De-Aired Water In” line at the back of the distribution panel to the

other tubing connector at the back of the tank base.
The HM-4187A De-Airing Tank requires an electrical connection to

operate the motorized impeller. The tank is supplied with an AC to DC

transformer which plugs into a standard 110 VAC outlet. The transformer

also has a plug which connects to the jack at the back of the tank base

under the power switch.

After all of the connections are made, fill the tank to approximately ¾

full with tap water. Turn on the impeller using the switch at the back of

the tank base. Turn on the vacuum by rotating the knob on the front of

the distribution panel or Flex panel. On the distribution panel or the Flex

panel, there are two valves for use with the de-airing tank. One valve

controls the filling and draining of tap water into and out of the tank and

the other controls the vacuum or pressure to the tank. The draining and

pressurizing operation is for the purpose of cleaning the tank and not for

test purposes. During a test, the de-aerated water from the tank would

be controlled by another valve on the distribution panel where the water

connection to the base of the triaxial cell is located. Do not fill the tank

with tap water while de-aerated water is being used as this would allow

tap water to mix with the de-aerated water in the sample. Also, do not

fill the tank while using the vacuum as accidental overfilling of the tank

would allow water to be drawn into the vacuum lines and possibly into

the vacuum pump.