Cooper Instruments & Systems DCM 470 Voltage/Current In-Line Amplifier User Manual

Page 4

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CF 138  


DCM 470 Rev. EM1000‐C 


Standard Span & Zero Adjustment

Once all of the connections are complete, you can begin to set up the sensor/amplifier
system. You will need to have the output from the DCM 470 connected to a device so
you can read the voltage or current.

To set up the system, follow the steps below:
1. Apply a known load to the sensor.
2. Allow the sensor to settle.
3. Use a screwdriver to adjust the span that correlates with that load.
4. Remove the load.
5. Allow the sensor to settle.
6. Adjust the zero.

Ex. If you are applying a full load to the sensor with an excitation voltage of 10 VDC,
then you would want to adjust the output (span) to 10VDC or 20mA. If you are applying
half of the full load then you would want to adjust the span to exactly half of the
maximum. Once your span is set, check the zero. With no load applied to the sensor,
adjust the zero.

Note: Adjusting the zero and span is done by using a screw driver to adjust the
potentiometers (pots).

Shunt Readings

Shunt resistors simulate a load on the load cell; thus, allowing for calibration. Follow the
steps below in order to utilize the shunt feature.