Baseline Systems BL-Commander User Manual
Page 13

Installing the Mobile Receiver
Connecting the Baseline Commander Mobile Receiver
The Baseline Commander Receiver works with any Baseline BL3200 Series irrigation controller by plugging
into the face plate of the BL3200X family of controllers and into the Mini-USB port of earlier controllers.
For locations where minimal operating range is needed, connect the 8”whip antenna directly to the top of the
Receiver. For locations where more range is needed, use the magnetic base antenna and included tuned antenna
with threaded base. (Other antenna options are available). For maximum performance, all antennas should be
mounted far away from power transformers, electric motors, VFD’s and overhead power lines. This type of
equipment causes interference.
The BL3200X family – the serial cable from
the Baseline Mobile Receiver plugs into the
face plate as shown.
Previous Generations of BL3200
Controllers The optional Interface
Cable is plugged into the controller
board as shown – the cable should be
left in place once it is installed .
NOTE: The optional Interface Cable
and external power module, used to
power the BL-CMDR, must be installed
to the Baseline Commander Mobile