Antennacraft ST4 User Manual
Outdoor scanner-ham discone antenna, 1300 mhz, Model st4

Read this manual and the separate Consumer Product Safety
Committee “Safety Instructions”.
When you start to install an antenna,
use extreme caution. If the antenna starts to fall, let it
go! It could contact overhead power lines. IF the an-
tenna touches the power line, contact with the antenna,
mast, cable, or guy wires can cause electrocution and
death. Call the power company to remove the antenna.
DO NOT attempt to remove it yourself.
For your safety and convenience, plan each step of the installa-
tion. Organize the parts and check them against the following list.
You need a suitable length of RG-58 coaxial cable fit-
ted with a PL-259 connector at each end, mast mount-
ing hardware, and a small wrench with a 5/16-inch
opening (not supplied).
Outdoor Scanner-Ham
Discone Antenna
25-1300 MHz
Compact Design
allows flexibility when choosing an installation site
Low wind Resistance and Lightweight
allows higher mast mounting
Resonator and Tunable Whip
for best 50 MHz performance
Easy Assembly and Connection
uses rugged stainless steel hardware, radiator rods,
and standard supplied SO-239 terminal and attaches
to PL-259 cable connector (not supplied)
This discone scanner and ham base station antenna is our most
efficient omni-directional antenna system, combining a disc an-
tenna with electrically matched radiators. You can use it to re-
ceive and transmit a wide range of signals, including amateur
radio, aircraft and other special services, on your scanner or oth-
er receiver. The antenna is designed to provide high efficiency
when receiving and transmitting signals on selected frequencies.
Your antenna receives VHF and UHF frequencies between
25 MHz and 1300 MHz (1.3 GHz), and transmits effectively at
50, 144, 220, 440, 900, and 1296 MHz. It handles a maximum
transmitting output power of 200 watts and provides a standing
wave ration (SWR) efficiency of 1.5:1 or better over the receiv-
ing and transmitting spectrum. It is 44-inches high overall, and
fits on masts up to 1-1/2-inches in diameter.