Retro-fit instructions – Amico Puritan Bennett Retro-Fit Gas Control Panel User Manual
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C h e m e t r o n G a s C o n t r o l P a n e l R e t r o - F i t
P a g e : 2
Puritan-Bennett Control Panel.
Remove screws from panel.
Mount the filler frame to the wall
using the appropriate hardware for
the type of wall you are mounting to.
There are 6 holes provided for
mounting the frame.
Note: The frame can not be mounted
on the wall centered on the existing
back box. The retrofit is shipped with
the filler frame attached to the control
panel. Before you take these apart,
push the assembly into the existing
back box and position it into place
and mark off the corners of the frame
on the wall. These lines will be your
reference for mounting the frame to
the wall.
Remove all internal components.
P a g e : 3
C h e m e t r o n G a s C o n t r o l P a n e l R e t r o - F i t
Install the male elbows into the
threaded connections in the back
box. Connect the input tube into the
appropriate fitting in the back box as
Push the whole assembly gently into
the back box and secure the panel to
the filler frame using the #8 stainless
steel machine screws provided with
the kit. Please note the position of the
Mount the filler frame to the wall using the appropriate
hardware. There are 6 holes provided for mounting the
NOTE: The frame can not be mounted on the wall centered
on the existing back box. The retrofit is shipped with the
filler frame attached to the control panel. Before you take
these apart, push the assembly into the existing back box
and position it into place and mark off the corners of the
frame on the wall. These lines will be your reference for
mounting the frame to the wall.
Install the male elbows into the threaded connections in
the back box. Connect the input tube into the appropriate
fitting in the box as shown.
Push the whole assembly gently into the back box and
secure the panel to the filler frame using the #8 stainless
steel machine screws provided with the kit. Please note the
position of the pigtails.
Retro-Fit Instructions