Have fun – AEO Photo MT Pro 2.0 User Manual

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Turn the lightning trigger device power on FIRST before you power up the camera. (When the trigger is

first tuned on, it will trigger once on power up . . . not a big deal for digital photography, but if you use

film, you’ll lose one frame.)

Avoid using your cell phone near the device while it’s operating. Your lightning shutter trigger is a

sensitive device and can be triggered inadvertently by strong, nearby RF transmissions.

Grab your favorite refreshing beverage and wait for the show to start!

Motion Mode: Your AEO MultiTrigger Pro is equipped with a passive PIR 10 meter motion detector.

Motion is detected via changes in the Infrared within the field of view of the device. The spectrum of

the detector is in the LWIR, meaning that it will only detect movement of IR sources that generate heat,

such as an animal or a human. Since LWIR is NOT transmissive through materials such as glass and

acrylic, your trigger will NOT sense motion through a window. At the sensors limits of 10 meters, larger

object such as humans, deer and bear should be detectable. Up closer, the sensor will detect movement

of smaller objects. The field of view is approximately 35 degrees, so you may need to position the

sensor carefully so as to detect motion in the area you wish to photograph.

The Hot Shoe mount on your trigger also includes a standard ¼-20 female thread for mounting on a

tripod. This free’s up your hot shoe for other accessories such as a flash.

To operate in “Motion Detection Mode”, simply place the Mode Switch in the “Motion” Position. To

test your device, connect your camera as outlined previously in the “Lightning Detection” Mode. Wave

your hand in front of the detector to ensure it triggers properly. Experiment with walking in front of the

trigger to establish your effective field of view at various distances.

If you have questions, or if you wouldn’t mind sending us some of your photographs, contact us at

[email protected] or by mail at 1435 Tally Ho Lane, Norco, CA 92860