Great Plains X-PresS 2009 Assembly Instructions User Manual
Parts & assembly table of contents

Operating Instructions
7. Parts & Assembly
7. Parts & Assembly
Table of contents
Main Assembly ............................. 36
2.5m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) ................... 36
3m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) ...................... 38
3.5m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) ................... 40
4m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) ...................... 42
4m Mounted X-Press (Folding) ................... 44
Frames.......................................... 46
2.5m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) Mainframe .. 46
3m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) Mainframe ..... 48
3.5m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) Mainframe .. 50
4m Mounted X-Press (Rigid) Mainframe ..... 52
4m Mounted X-Press (Folding) Mainframe .. 54
4m Mounted X-Press (Folding) LH Wing ..... 56
4m Mounted X-Press (Folding) RH Wing .... 58
Discs ............................................ 60
Disc Unit Assembly LH .............................. 60
Disc Unit Assembly RH .............................. 62
Disc Arm Assembly LH .............................. 64
Disc Arm Assembly RH.............................. 66
Eradicator Plate Assembly ......................... 68
Eradicator Plate Position ............................ 69
Roll ............................................... 70
Roll Linkage Assembly ............................... 70
2.5m Roll Frame Assembly (Rigid) ............. 72
2.5m DD Light Roll Assembly (Rigid) .......... 74
2.5m Aqueel 2 Roll Assembly (Rigid) .......... 76
3m Roll Frame Assembly (Rigid) ................ 78
3m DD Light Roll Assembly (Rigid) ............ 80
3m Aqueel 2 Roll Assembly (Rigid) ............. 82
3.5m Roll Frame Assembly (Rigid) ............. 84
3.5m DD Light Roll Assembly (Rigid) .......... 86
3.5m Aqueel 2 Roll Assembly (Rigid) .......... 88
4m Roll Frame Assembly (Rigid) ................ 90
4m DD Light Roll Assembly (Rigid) ............ 92
4m Aqueel 2 Roll Assembly (Rigid) ............. 94
4m Roll Frame Assembly LH (Folding) ....... 96
4m Roll Frame Assembly RH (Folding) ....... 98
4m DD Light Roll Assembly LH (Folding) .. 100
4m DD Light Roll Assembly RH (Folding) . 102
4m Aqueel 2 Roll Assembly (Folding) ........ 104
Hydraulics (4m Folding only) ...... 106
Hydraulic Components ............................ 106
Hydraulic Hose Layout ............................. 108
Stickers ...................................... 110
2.5m Sticker Kit ........................................ 110
3m Sticker Kit ........................................... 112
3.5m Sticker Kit ........................................ 114
4m (Rigid) Sticker Kit ................................ 116
4m (Folding) Sticker Kit ............................. 118
TurboJet ..................................... 120
2.5m-4m (Rigid) TurboJet Mounting ......... 120
4m (Folding) TurboJet Mounting ............... 122
2.5m Step & Spreader Bar
(TurboJet 6)
3m Step & Spreader Bar
(TurboJet 6)
.......... 126
3.5m Step & Spreader Bar
(TurboJet 6)
....... 128
4m Rigid Step & Spreader Bar
(TurboJet 6)
. 130
4m Folding Spreader Bar
(TurboJet 6)
......... 132
Distributor Head Assembly ....................... 134
Parts Reference Table ............... 136