Great Plains YP2425A-48TR 48 Twin Row 30-Inch Quick Start User Manual

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Quick Setup Guide for IntelliAg Model YP24 Twin Row Air Pro


©2009 DICKEY-john Corporation
Specifi cations subject to change without notice.

STEP 6A: Material Confi guration Setup (Split Air Regulation)

It is recommended that when setting a control channel for split air, the material
name be created as “Air” to eliminate confusion between the actual material and
the control used.

At the Main Menu screen, press the Control Setup button


Press Material button 16 for Split Air Control.

Create Material Name as “Air”.

Enter desired values from Table C1.

Press the Channel Setup button

to proceed to the Channel Setup screen.







Material Setup

Default Value/

Value to Enter

Split Air Regulation

Instructions/Defi nitions


Split Air Reg

Desired type of application control channel being used for a

specifi c material. CREATE MATERIAL NAME AS “AIR”.


In H20

Oz in2

Automatically changes with the type of material application

selected. Changes units for target application.

Preset Method


User-defi ned target rates can be confi gured and when enabled

can be adjusted from the Main Work screen using the Incre-

ment/Decrement buttons.

Target Rate


Establishes the desired rate of application in inches of H20.

Max Rate


Maximum application rate in inches of H20.

Min Rate


Minimum application rate in inches of H20.

Inc/Dec %


Percentage of change of the entered target rate applied each

time the Increment/Decrement button is pressed on the Main

Work screen.

STEP 5B: Planter Control Channel Setup
(Controlled Hydraulic Drive)

Select Channel 1 and verify that the channel is set to Planter Control.

Enter desired values using Table B2 as reference.

After planter control setup, calibrate hydraulic valve by pressing the Valve Cal



Ensure implement is raised. With brakes locked and transmission in PARK posi-

tion, start engine.

Engage hydraulics and run engine at normal speed until hydraulic fl uid is at

operating temperature.

Verify point row clutches are turned ON.

Do NOT perform this step unless meters are installed in all locations across

planter row units or drive damage will occur.

Press the START button

. Turn the master switch to the ON position.

The valve calibration will immediately start. Keep the hydraulics engaged until the

calibration completes.

When the screen indicates calibration is complete, press the Channel Setup button

to return to Channel 1 home screen.

Turn the master switch OFF.

To set up additional control channels (planter or fertilizer control), press the Next

Channel button


Press the Work Screen button

when channel confi gurations are complete

to return to the Main Work screen.

Once a control channel has been established as Planter Control, any new materials

established as Planter Control on the Material Setup screen will automatically be

added as optional materials for Planter Control channels on the Control Setup screen.













Planter Control


Default Value/

Value to Enter

Instructions/Defi nitions


Planter Control

Set desired Channel Type as Planter Control.

Material Name

Displays only materials that have been confi gured for the chan-

nel type.

Control Mode


Auto is used in normal operating conditions calculating the rate

of how the system is running. Manual mode acts as an override

if application rate sensors are inoperable allowing the use of

increase/decrease buttons to set the fl ow rate for the control.

Refer to System Confi guration section of Operator’s manual for

additional information.

Drive Type


A hydraulic valve varies the oil fl ow to the motor proportioned to

the electric current supplied.

Drive Frequency

100 Hz

If not using a DICKEY-john supplied valve, see the manufactur-

er’s specifi cations for drive frequency.

Input Filter


Feedback frequency fi lter for the control channel. DO NOT


Gear Ratio


Specifys the actual ratio from the feedback sensor to the seed

meter shaft RPM. Number of revolutions the feedback sensor

turns in relation to one revolution the seed meter turns.

Sensor Constant


Sensor Constant establishes the number of pulses for one

revolution of the feedback sensor. If a DICKEY-john application

rate sensor is used, the value should be set to 360.0.

# of Seed Rows


Entry of a specifi c number of seed rows for the control channel.

Row assignment is given a priority based on the channel and

will be assigned sequentially thereafter. Channel 1 is always

assigned to the fi rst set of rows, Channel 2 next set of rows, and

so on.

Channel Width


Manual entry of the channel width for rows assigned to a specifi c

channel. Width calculation can be determined by # of planter

rows assigned to the channel multipled by the row spacing.

Precharge Time

+ 0.0

Typically used during startup conditions in the fi eld, a Precharge

time is a specifi ed length of time a control channel will operate

at the defi ned Precharge Ground Speed. Must be entered as a

positive (+) number.

Delay Time

- 0.0

Length of time before the control channel will start after the

master switch has been turned ON and the implement switch is

in a lowered position. Must be entered as a negative (-) number.