Great Plains Box Scraper Assembly Instructions User Manual

Parts & assembly table of contents

background image


Box Scraper

Operating Instructions

6. Parts & Assembly

6. Parts & Assembly
Table of contents

General Assembly ................... 28

Box Scraper 3m Complete Assembly ... 28
Box Scraper 3.5m Complete Assembly 30
Box Scraper 4m Complete Assembly ... 32
Box Scraper 5m Complete Assembly ... 34
Drawbar Assembly ............................... 36
Lift axle Assembly ................................ 38
5 Stud Hub ........................................... 40
Laser Mast Assembly ........................... 42
Bowl Assemblies ..................... 44

3.0m Bowl Assembly ............................ 44
3.5m Bowl Assembly ............................ 46
4.0m Bowl Assembly ............................ 48
5.0m Bowl Assembly ............................ 50