Great Plains 1300 13-Foot Material Rate User Manual
Seed, small seeds and fertilizer rate charts, Manufacturing, inc

© Copyright 2008
Printed 2014-03-10
Manufacturing, Inc.
Seed, Small Seeds and Fertilizer
Rate Charts
for the 1300 and 1300F 13-Foot End Wheel Drill
The following pages are to assist in the proper setting of seeding and
fertilizer rates for the 1300 and 1300F. The rates indicated in the charts
are approximate. To assure the most accurate seeding, it is
recommended that the drill be calibrated for the desired seed at the time
of planting.
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Seed, Small Seeds and Fertilizer Rate Charts
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Main Box Seed Rate
- Setting Drive Type
- Main Box Seed Rate Handle
- Position Seed Cup Doors
- Main Seed Row Shutoff
- Reading a Seed Rate Chart
- Main Box Seed Rate Calibration
- Main Box Seed Rate Charts
- Alfalfa or Rape
- Barley (1 of 3)
- Barley (2 of 3)
- Barley (3 of 3)
- Buckwheat
- Buffalograss (1 of 4)
- Buffalograss (2 of 4)
- Buffalograss (3 of 4)
- Buffalograss (4 of 4)
- Flax or Sudan
- Millet
- Milo
- Oats
- Peas
- Peas
- Pinto Beans
- Rice, Short Grain (1 of 2)
- Rice, Short Grain (2 of 2)
- Rice, Long Grain (1 of 4)
- Rice, Long Grain (2 of 4)
- Rice, Long Grain (3 of 4)
- Rice, Long Grain (4 of 4)
- Rye
- Soybeans (1 of 4)
- Soybeans (2 of 4)
- Soybeans (3 of 4)
- Soybeans (4 of 4)
- Sunflower
- Wheat (1 of 2)
- Wheat (2 of 2)
- Wheatgrass
- Small Seeds Rate
- Fertilizer Rate
- Appendix
- Metric Rate Charts, Main Seed Box
- Alfalfa or Rape
- Barley (1 of 3)
- Barley (2 of 3)
- Barley (3 of 3)
- Buckwheat
- Metric Seed Rate Charts, Main Box, continued...
- Buffalograss (1 of 4)
- Buffalograss (2 of 4)
- Buffalograss (3 of 4)
- Buffalograss (4 of 4)
- Flax or Sudan
- Metric Seed Rate Charts, Main Box, continued...
- Millet
- Milo
- Oats
- Peas
- Peas
- Metric Seed Rate Charts, Main Box, continued...
- Pinto Beans
- Rice, Short Grain (1 of 2)
- Rice, Short Grain (2 of 2)
- Rice, Long Grain (1 of 4)
- Rice, Long Grain (2 of 4)
- Metric Seed Rate Charts, Main Box, continued...
- Rice, Long Grain (3 of 4)
- Rice, Long Grain (4 of 4)
- Rye
- Soybeans (1 of 4)
- Soybeans (2 of 4)
- Metric Seed Rate Charts, Main Box, continued...
- Soybeans (3 of 4)
- Soybeans (4 of 4)
- Sunflower
- Wheat (1 of 2)
- Wheat (2 of 2)
- Metric Seed Rate Charts, Main Box, continued...
- Wheatgrass
- Metric Rate Charts, Small Seeds Box
- Metric Rate Charts, Main Seed Box