5 double disc roller, 4 coulter coverer – Great Plains P13306 User Manual

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Operating Instructions

4.5 Double Disc Roller

The standard DD600/DD700 roller is made
up of individual Double Disc (patented) Ring

The DD rings are designed to consolidate the
soil whilst cutting and crushing any clods.

Even in heavy, wet soils it can easily be
operated with minimal blockages occurring.

The rear DD roller carries a proportion of the
machine’s weight to ensure consolidation. It
also regulates the depth of the machine. The
corrugated surface left by the roller is
weatherproof both for wet or dry situations.

The DD roll can be positioned at the rear of
the machine (rear roll) or between the tine
beam and rear disc gang (mid-roll).

4. Adjustment / Operation

Fig. 4.05: DD600 Roll

4.4 Coulter Coverer

The coulter coverers (if fitted)are located at
the ends of the front disc gangs. These units
are designed to stop the throw of soil beyond
the cultivating width of the machine.

Fig. 4.04: Coulter Coverer