Chicago Electric 80W Power Inverter 66944 User Manual

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SKU 66944

For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.

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not use more than 80 watts during

continuous operation, otherwise the

Inverter may overload.

Note: This unit has an automatic shut off

feature if output is over 125 watts or if

input is under 10.5VDC.

caution: Some rechargeable appliances

may damage the Power Inverter

or the appliance. When first using

a rechargeable device, check the

inverter’s temperature for the first 10

minutes. If it becomes abnormally

hot, do not use this device with the


caution: It is recommended that the ve-

hicle be running when you first con-

nect the Power Inverter. Thereafter

the engine can be on or off. If you run

the Power Inverter with the engine

off it is recommended that you start

and run the engine every hour for at

least 10 minutes to recharge the bat-

tery. Doing this will help prevent any

unexpected shutdown of the equip-

ment. This will also help ensure that

there will be enough battery power

to start the vehicle.

due to the risk

of carbon monoxide inhalation, do

not run the vehicle’s engine within

an enclosed area.
You should not use your car battery

to power the Inverter for extended pe-

riods of time with appliances requir-

ing high continuous load levels. The

battery may become drained to the

point that it will not be able to start

your car.

Note: Deep cycle (marine and RV) bat-

teries can be charged more times

than a car battery, and are a better

choice for repeated use of the Power


Do not discharge your car battery

more than 10% of its total capacity,

and deep cycle batteries more than a

50% discharged state.


Keep this unit clean and dry. Discon-

nect the unit before cleaning. Clean

only the outside of this unit with a

soft, dry cloth; never clean this unit

with water or harsh cleaners.
Discharge unit before continuing.


Figure 2





End of Cigarette

Outlet Adapter

2. If the fuse needs replacing:

Disconnect the Inverter from the


cigarette lighter type outlet.
Unthread the end of the Cigarette


Outlet Adapter, turning the end coun-

terclockwise. The pieces are spring

tensioned, so be careful so the fuse

doesn’t pop out.
Remove the spent fuse and replace


with a new fuse.
Replace the end of the Cigarette


Outlet Adapter, pressing the sections

together and threading closed in a

clockwise direction.

Note: Aside from the fuse, this device

does not contain any user replace-

able parts. If it needs service, take it

to a qualified technician.