Monarch Instrument GE200 HP User Manual
Monarch Instrument Sensors

GE200 HP Electromagnetic Inductive Sensor
Instruction Sheet
Speed Range:
1-99,999 RPM
Operating Distance:
1 to 12 inches [2.54 to 30.48 cm] from coil/magneto
Power required:
3.3 to 24 Vdc, 4 mA for amplifier input
Output Signal:
Same as power supplied, TTL compatible
Operating Temperature:
-65° to 225° F [-54° to 107° C]
Standard Cable Length:
Sensor: 15 feet [4.572 m], Amplifier: 1.5 feet [0.457 m]
Sensor: 9.25 oz [262.2 g], Amplifier: 1.73 oz [48.99 g]
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
The new GE200 HP is a non-contact electromagnetic inductive sensor designed for making RPM measurements on gasoline engines. The
sensor will detect the high voltage flux field being induced from ignition coils or magnetos on 2 or 4 cycle gasoline engines. The GE200 HP
must be connected to the Monarch amplifier module, which provides input power and a TTL pulse output. The GE200 HP includes an
integral 15 foot (5 m) cable that can be extended to 150 feet (50 m). The Monarch amplifier module has a 1.5 foot (45.72 cm) cable with
3 tinned wires and a ground shield or 1/8 (3.5 mm) phone plug termination.
The GE200 HP is connected to the Monarch amplifier module and the amplifier module is connected to your tachometer or data acquisition
system. The most popular application is using the GE200 HP with the Monarch magnetic amplifier module connected to a Monarch
ACT-3X Panel/Bench top Tachometer to display RPM.
Refer to Figure 3 for GE200 HP sensor to
amplifier module connection details. The
connection details for the amplifier module are
shown below Figure 3.
When using the amplifier module with tinned
wires termination with any Monarch
instrument, refer to the instrument instruction
manual for connection detail. When using the amplifier module with phone
plug termination with any Monarch instrument, plug the 1/8 (3.5 mm) phone
plug into the input jack on the respective instrument.
The GE200 HP sensor can be mounted up to 12 inches (30 cm) away from
the ignition coil or magneto. The sensor will detect the electromagnetic
flux field through metal engine covers. To find the optimal mounting
position, simply move the sensor around the high voltage flux source until
the display on your tachometer indicates a steady RPM reading.
Some engines will read ½ the actual RPM if the detector is pointed
at 90 degrees to the flux source. For accurate and repeatable measurements
ensure that the sensor is mounted firmly and is parallel to the high voltage
flux source.
Figure 1 GE200 HP Dimensions
MONARCH INSTRUMENT * 15 Columbia Drive * Amherst, NH 03031 USA * Tel: (603) 883-3390 * Fax: (603) 886-3300
E-mail: [email protected] * Website:
1071-4180-211R (1011)
Figure 2 Amplifier Module Dimensions
Connection Detail for Amplifier Tinned Wires:
Wire Color
Positive Power Supply
Signal (+V to 0 Vdc Pulse)
Sensor Shield
Connection Detail for Amplifier Plug:
Middle (+V) Excitation- Brown
Tip (Signal) - Black
Base (Common) - Blue
Shield (Common)
Figure 3 GE200 HP Sensor to Amplifier Connection Detail
Amplifier Module shown with
tinned wires (plug also available)
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