Triton TDJ 600 User Manual

Page 9

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1. Hold the body of the machine with one hand so that

your thumb rests on the On/Off Switch

2. Align the guides on the Plexiglass Viewer (2) with

the pencil marks on the workpiece and position the

dowelling jointer in readiness to

drive the holes

3. Position the machine against

the workpiece so that the Front

Face (10) and the underside

of the Fence (1) are fully in

contact with the workpiece

4. Press down on the front of the

fence with the fingers of your

other hand to hold the machine in position, and check

there are no gaps under the front face or underside of

the fence. Move your hand back to the Handle (3) so

the tool is held securely

NOTE: It may be necessary to secure the tool by applying

pressure on the Fence (1) rather than holding the Handle

(3) to ensure the tool stays in the same position on the

wood, especially if the gripper pins are set submerged

below the front face surface.
NOTE: It may also be necessary to apply pressure if you

are using a non-slip mat to secure the workpiece, which

requires more downward pressure on the workpiece. Only

do so if you are comfortable holding the tool with only one

hand on the main body. Ideally both hands should be used

to hold the tool during operation with the workpiece firmly

clamped to the work surface for maximum safety.
5. In one smooth movement, slide your thumb down and

forward to activate the motor and push the body of

the machine forward so that

the drill bits penetrate the


6. Push the body of the machine

forward as far as it will go,

until arrested by the depth stop

on the Depth Adjustment Guide

(8) to create the desired holes

in the correct positions

7. While keeping the tool powered, allow the body of the

tool to return to its original position, removing the drill

bits from the workpiece. Hold the tool securely with

both hands while doing so

8. Once the drill bits have exited the holes, release the

On/Off Switch (12) by applying light pressure to the

rear of the on/off switch

NOTE: The Return Spring (20) will cause the body to move

automatically back to the rest position, withdrawing the

drill bits from the workpiece, while still applying some

pressure to the front face and fence. The operator should

carefully control the exit of the drill bits, taking care to

maintain the tool in exactly the same position in relation to

the holes drilled

9. Once the drill bits are clear of the workpiece and

have stopped rotating, lift the machine away from the


NOTE: It is recommended to practice using the dowelling

jointer on scrap pieces of wood first so you can fully

understand how it operates

• In order to drill the corresponding holes in the face

of the joining workpiece, the machine needs to be

positioned perpendicular to that face

• It is recommended that you work with the machine

bearing down on the workpiece, so that the weight of

the machine works with the direction of operation, as

opposed to attempting to drive

holes upwards from below the


• If you need to drill holes too far

from an edge, configure the

jointer so that both the fence

and front face are level with

each other. The jointer can now

rest vertically on a surface and

be positioned freely - even on

large workpieces. Make sure

the gripper pins are submerged

to prevent damage to the

wood surface if necessary and

ensure the tool is secure in

position before drilling

The dowel jointer is fitted with

Jig Teeth (11) and a Jig Teeth Bar

(14) which enable fast drilling of

holes when using a dowel jig or

template (not supplied)
• The use of such a jig or

template allows rapid drilling

of accurate holes and can speed up the process of

cabinet making. It is also ideal for creating shelving

holes at regularly spaced intervals

1. Clamp the jig or template to

the workpiece exactly in the

required position after careful


2. Set up the dowel jointer to use

either the Jig Teeth Bar (14)

or the Jig Teeth (11) with the

dowel jig or template

NOTE: Make sure the correct drilling depth, fence angle

and fence height are set
3. Drill the required holes by inserting the jig teeth of the

dowel jointer with the teeth slots of the dowel jig or

template, and then operate the tool as normal


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